Back in March, 2007, the Associated Press released a heaping passel of Romney family photos, but apparently I'm one of the only ones who noticed and made use of them. As a result, PSP is now THE go-to place for fab pics of 14-year-old scrub-headed Mitt, teen Mitt, and newlywed Mitt, and for some reason, this is something tons of people really, really want to see. No accounting for taste, I guess.
And then if that's not strange enough, the other big Google hit these days is this post, the most commented upon PSP post ever, featuring a Reuters photograph of Rick Santorum's deeply disturbed, abused and crying children. The fact that this photo, alongside other shots of the weeping tots at the same event, shows up in the top row of the Google Image Search for the terms "Santorum Family" and "Santorum Children" and "Santorum Kids" demonstrates that Rick Santorum's famous "Google problem" is hardly limited to Dan Savage's notorious daffynition.
But other than that, yeah, PSP incoming links still mainly involve Gay Aaron Schock, sexy pony outrage, mop dogs, and, of course, Angela Merkel porn.
So I'm a little curious: are there any regular Pony Pals who first stumbled across this blog in such an indirect way? I don't mean from a link on another blog, but from doing something like an image search for pink Ouija boards or something?
The comment from Anonymous dated Monday, January 18, 2010 7:23:00 PM on the Romney photo post is pretty wonderful.
Princess, I honestly don't remember how I first discovered your wonderfulness. Then again, I don't remember meeting my husband, either. With luck, all this will come back to me on my deathbed.
believe it or not, I found you via your myspace page.
I remember my wife told me about the wonders of your blog - and the rest is history. How she found it, well, I'm not sure. I'll have to see if she remembers.
My personal pal Padre Mickey had a link to you and that's how I came here. I first made my presence known by posting a link to an Ursula Plassnik on a website interested in giant women and the rest is history.
Easily forgotten history, I admit, but history nonetheless.
I honestly don't remember how I found you, Peteykins, but I can assure you it was a referral, not a google search.
All I can say is I'm glad I did.
And reading your post about the Santorum kid - as one who has cheaply laughed at those photos, I am humbled and chastened by your compassion for that child and her situation.
Also, I do make a point of telling people about your wonderful blog. Callista has been a great selling point, actually.
I found you via a direct link from Bostrom's Pups page and now stay for the comic art and good humored political humor.
I followed your photoshop contest career at fark and the peteykins.com repository of images.
I came upon PSP via your old Wonkette gig, and have been here ever since, even through the "Junk Drawer" days!
I was looking up images of severely tweaked pretty ponies during a discussion with my children who came of age during the 'my pretty pony' era; I must have clicked on PSP somehow, fell in love with Ursula's scarves, and stayed for what I believe is the most realistic perspective of Foggy Bottom.
Aha, Deb, that's what I was looking for, somebody who came from a link on a totally unrelated site. Good to hear.
Thanks, all!
I'd been trying to remember the whole day, and now I can: I was hunting online for the various and much ridiculed "Alert System" graphics that had become a meme, and I found yours for Condi's hair.
It was by far one of the funniest and, at the time, deeply baffling ones I'd ever seen. And then I started to read your posts and thought you were a scream.
Still do.
Condi's hair brought me here.. Or was it her channeling Nemo in the boots and leather coat... I honestly can't remember, I drop in regularly and it's always been the bees knees.
I found you by way of the glorious Watertiger back in the Condi Days. I remember the day the flip disappeared. I remember you being charmed by the goddess Cindy McCain (ne'er a harsh word spoken) and the giantess Ursula and her scarves.
But by far the most worthy of your attention is Callista of the Golden Orb. So princessy...so sparkly... Alas, her stay with us will be all to brief...
I had seen a comment you left on another blog in which you mentioned interviewing Michael Gira and a few clicks later encountered your post about Sarah Palin referencing a Virgin Prunes album. How could I become anything but a regular reader after such an introduction to your blog?
Sarah Palin? VIRGIN PRUNES…??!! Wha…??!!I need to investigate this like, pronto!
I'm pretty sure that I stumbled here via Wonkette at some point during W Part 1 (pre-Condi Roundup).
The Southwest DC branch library still has the Aaron Schock cover-boy "Men's Health" up as the current issue, almost a year later. I still LOL every time I walk by.
Geez..... your making me rack my brain. My lefty blog addiction began with a search for the video of John Stewart ending Tucker Carlson's Crossfire career with references to his bow-tie (et al). That led me to Think Progress,Huff Po & Wonkette, one of which begat PSP. You been bookmarked ever since.
When I told people that I met you they thought you were a famous person in DC circles. I guess you are but not in the circles they were thinking of.
I was searching for "Sparkle Pony" the (fictitious, I'm now assuming) singer/songwriter on Portlandia.
Glad I stumbled upon your blog, tho.
Back when my eldest was a student in DC, I stumbled on PSP when I was trolling around DC sites; I think it was the ugly tour bus blogging that got me started, but now I check PSP all the time for the latest news about Condi, Callista, and...uh...that giantess from Austria.
On the topic of Santorum's family, tbogg commented that the other kid in one of the pictures, the boy with glasses, looked like he was one campaign appearance away from climbing a clock tower with a high-powered rifle. Could you blame him, with the sanctimonious Ricky as your dad?
I found you on someone's blogroll and clicked over to see who would actually name their blog thusly. I bookmarked you after Blue Gal linked to your Palin porn post (no anal required!) and have read you every day since.
I have a theory that Ricky's kids may engage in some "make up for lost time" flavored rebellion upon reaching the age of majority.
-Doug in Oakland
Been following you since the fark ps days, but I think you knew that.
I can't remember how I first got here, but I know I was fucken drunke offe my asse when it happened!
I wish I could say I'd found you through some random Google search because I'd feel oh so clever, but I believe I found you via Matty Boy and FranIAm links back when the Condi watch and Ursula worship were in full bloom.
I remember laughing so hard I couldn't stop, and my girlfriend at the time just didn't get it. I should've known then that she wasn't for me.
A fellow Tucsonan shared you with me years ago, you're awesome and SOOO observant! I now live in DC and through you have learned to love the crazy :)
I found your website after watching an episode of Portlandia where a singer was named Sparkle Pony. I was just curious if there really was such a person.
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