Mitt Romney, 14, gives his father George Romney an affectionate hug at a Detroit News conference February 10, 1962 after the industrialist announced he would be a candidate for the GOP nomination for Governor of Michigan. Mitt and Mrs. Lenore Romney accompanied George Romney to the conference. (AP Photo).

Industrialist George Romney gave his wife Lenore and son Mitt, 14, an affectionate hug for the benefit of photographers at a Detroit news conference February 10, 1962 after he announced he would seek the Republican nomination for Governor of Michigan. Romney said he would not become an active candidate until "Completion of my responsibilities as a delegate to the constitutional convention." (AP Photo).
*OK, just one comment: "One of these days, Son, this will almost be yours!"

Gov. George Romney and his son, Mitt, look out over the New York World's Fair grounds May 18,1964 from the heliport after attending a Michigan breakfast at the Top of the Fair Restaurant. The governor and a large delegation from Michigan are here for Michigan Day at the fair. At right is part of the Chrysler exhibit and behind them is the Ford exhibit. (AP Photo).

George Romney and members of his family pose together after he was elected Governor of Michigan, November 7,1962. From left: daughter Mrs. Lynn Keenan; son Mitt Romney; Mrs. Romney; governor-elect and daughter Mrs. Jane Robinson. (AP Photo)

Ann Lois Davies and Willard Mitt Romney, second and youngest son of former Michigan Governor and Mrs. Lenore Romney were married Friday in a Civil Ceremony at the brides family home in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., March 21,1969. The brief ceremony was in the family room of the bride's parents home, Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Davies. The couple will resume their studies at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, after a brief honeymoon. (AP Photo).
Mitt. Mitt, Mitt, Mitt. It just gets funnier every time you read it!
in that fabulous post-gubernatorial-election family clinch shot, I am riveted by the The Mittster and his sister, the ambiguously worded "Mrs. Lynn Keenan" (didn't "Mrs. Firstname" in that far-off era often indicated a - gasp - divorce?)... They are so nearly identical that I wonder if they ever just showed up in each others' clothes.
In the context of 1962, Mrs. Lynn's Chinese jacket is either a dazzlingly offbeat fashion choice, or a sign that she was six-months+ with child. Mrs. Lenore, by contrast, is clearly an underappreciated fashion icon - that perfect smile, the flawless jewel-neck frock, the corsage that appears to be eating her shoulder...it's like an object lesson in what would have happened had Mamie Eisenhower, not Jackie K., become the era's lasting trendsetter.
If only we could see their shoes.
Thank you for that glimpse into the Days of Oligarchy Past, Princess.
I had no idea Mitt Romney's dad was married to Agnes Moorehead! There's still a prop bat from Bewitched in her hair in that second photo.
The wedding photo of Mitt is wonderful. She looks thrilled, simply thrilled to become a cult, um, I mean Romney family member.
In the photo of the family,was Lynn pre-operation or post operation?
The family shot can be subtitled When Mormons Drink!
And in the wedding photo, Mitt is saying, "Sorry my first wife couldn't make it; she's back home in Utah. You two are gonna hit it off great, just like sisters!"
All alone at the '64 World's Fair
80 dolls yelling 'Small Girl After All'
Who was at the DuPont Pavillion?
Why was the bench still warm? Who had been there?
His name is Willard but they call him Mitt.
Is that because he's a catcher?
The final photo has a very BigLove feel to it. I sense a pre-quel to the HBO hit series.
hey, Coach --
There's something different about the '69 edition, isn't there? In that last photo, he has this posessed look in his eye; he looks like he's been indoctrinated in to some wacky cult. In the younger pictures, he kinda looks like a normal teen.
I'm wondering if Willard Romney is like the Willard in the movie who calls in all the rats and they eat people. That's probably what happened to that Kentucky Fried Chicken in New York. It was Mitt's revenge.
Yeah, Teen Stud Mitt Romney(TM) looked just like the kind of high school athlete that I massively crushed on...in between getting beaten up by him, thereby giving me a trick knee and a BDSM kink to remember him by.
'69 Mitt just looks like Woody from Toy Story.
(That said, 2007 Mitt's resemblence to his 1962 father is astounding. Definitely his father's son.)
Huh, why'd they get married in a CIVIL ceremony??? Sounds kinda godless, no?
When did his evil bat-child teeth fall out and his current gorgeous pearly veneers grow in?
sandia blanca writes:
Huh, why'd they get married in a CIVIL ceremony??? Sounds kinda godless, no?
Actually, sounds kinda CHEAP! Here's this pretty girl, marrying a governor's son, robbed of the chance to have a truly gorgeous orgy of conspicuous consumption.
Maybe I'm looking at this through a 21st Century perspective, but I think this is wrong on so many levels.
It just occurred to me that maybe I'm a bitter, resentful loser with nothing to do with my time like the rest of the people posting here. Naaaahhh.
I can't believe some of you people. Mitt Romney's real name is Williard Mitt Romney, named after two of his fathers close friends. I can't believe you have the nerve to make fun of his name especially when you have a name like Zipdrive! Grow up people....what is really scary is that they let people like you vote!
My great great grandfather Wolfgang von Zipdrive was a well-respected German nuclear physicist.
How dare you attack my heritage?
Okay, now that I've toyed with your gullibility, has it occurred to you that only the major chickenshits of the world hide behind the word "anonymous"?
And as for "losers who have nothing to do but post here"- have you noticed you post here?
Game, set, match.
My great great grandfather would be so proud of me.
Civic ceremony ? A private wedding at home does not mean a civic ceremony .. the cermoney was conducted by the Bishop in the home most likely ...
Stop picking on Mittsy.
He made a beautiful bride.
you are all stupid and obviously havne't done your research. I grew up in mormon community and was raised by *one Father* and One *Mother* both mormons, I went to a mormon chruch my whole life and not once in my entire life have I ever met someone who had more then one wife, (not the president of my church) not the bishop of my church, nor my father or any one in my community. mormons do not commit poligomy in any sense of the form. it's considered adultry and you would be ex-communicated from our church for practicing it. before you go on ranting like you know it all why don't you do some "research" instead of listening to some dumb-ass opinion of some mindless off. much like yourself
Not sure why you are coming down so hard on Mitt, (a good guy) or his religion. If he were a Jew or a Muslim, I doubt you would be making so much fun of him. It's fine if you don't like the guy, but attacking his beleifs is really just not cool. Would you talk like that to a co-worker who was a Mormon? I doubt it. I'm sure you'd be fired if you did. Glad at least we can't treat each other like crap at work.
So what don't you like about him? Seems faithful to his wife thats nice for a change, sure he is conservative about some things, like me, and liberal about others,like most of us believe judge the person not the religion (he hired gays-judge the person not the lifestyle). Leadership needs someone that will inspire us to be better people, not perfect, but kinder, less judgmental, protective of the dignity of women, children, the unborn. Protective of each persons culture and beliefs. I was Methodist, came form agnostic parents, now we are Mormons and we don't have horns! So we believe Christ came to the Americas too, and that there are other people who has haerd gods voice not just the jews...is that so heretical? We believe you shouldn't limit God. Others believe He doesn't speak, he is limited by the words of the Bible and speaks no more..isn't that limiting?Can you limit God?
I'm not sure why this post, which is almost a year old, is suddenly getting so many visitors.
Are you offended that I'm making fun of Mitt's religion? Awwww, so sorry.
To clarify: do I think the Mormon church is idiotic? Yes! Do I think Judaism is idiotic? Yes! Do I think Christianity is stupid? Yes! How about Hinduism and Islam? Would it shock you to hear that I have no respect for either?
I could go on and on, but you get the idea.
Go away, stupid religious people. This blog is not for you.
Its the elections...
I as an active LDS member can not and will not support Mitt Romney..
As Governor he allowed his state to violate the US Costitution Article I, Section 10 by allowing something other then gold or silver coin as the payment of the tender for debts within his state when he was Govenor..
There has not been a valid Article V amendment to change Article I, Section 10, so it is still part of the Supreme Law of the Land.. And must be obeyed or amended..
He even disobeyed our own LDS scriptures..
D&C 101:77 which states "77 According to the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established, and should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh, according to just and holy principles; "
My question is how do you maintain the Constitution when you don't obey it and allow the citizens of your state to violate it also?
I am letting ALL of my LDS friends that we as LDS members can not and will not support a member who will violate his Oath of Office and allow the people of his state to violate the US Constitution..
I'm with Karen - aren't there supposed to be quotation marks around "Mitt"?
Its clear, in a sense, that the Romney's had wanted a daughter: in that sense their last 2 or 3 sons are really unwanted.
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