Happy Monday! You absolutely have to start the week by catching up on the new scandal, the one where
Donald Rumsfeld issued Biblical commandments or something. It's in GQ, the magazine formerly mostly known for hair mousse coverage and soft-porn Armani advertisements. Make sure to check out the slide show. Your jaw will drop and hit the floor. You will want to start kissing your "I Voted" sticker all over again.
That slideshow is precious. I didn't realize Rumsfeld was even in the God Squad. I wonder if he's a true believer or if he just did these to make inroads with the boss? Quite disturbing whatever the motivations.
I can imagine him standing behind the graphic designer, demanding that he add things, and the designer trying gently to talk him out of it, afraid that they'd someday see the light of day...
You know, it's comforting to know Rumsfeld and company have a deeply rooted religious world-view becuase it means they beleive in a hell. And that means deep down inside they know exactly what awaits them on the other side.
I'm not sure Rummy is a God squad member. I think he was just sucking up to his boss. Rummy might have thought he was a tiny bit smarter than GWB, and put these quotes on the reports as shiny objects to catch George's attention.
While he's not frowny, those are kind of sucked in lips.
Of course, these documents will in no way stoke fervent Afghans and Iraqis into thinking that United States-led excursions are really Christianity-based crusades.
Oh My God.
This tells me that Dick and Rummy conspired to wrap all this war crap with a little bow and add some Bible verses so Georgie would get it.
As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon."
Two things: 1. I doubt the bible quotes would've "raised some eyebrows" during the Chimpy papacy, and 2. that "eye of the lord" quote kinda sounds like a not-so-veiled threat against Georgie. "Eat your spinach, Georgie, because God is watching you!"
Is it just me, or is that some terrible graphic design? Tasteless on all fronts!
Rummy larded west point and the Army with nutty christian appointees (ala Secretary of the Army Pete Geren) so we have a lot to look forward to.
did he stone newt gingrich for being an adulterer? i bet little donny committed many sins of onanism
Am still wondering why we went into Iraq. These dreadful pictures do a lot as a way of explanation ... they also remind me of the Abu Ghraib photos, in a strange manner.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I kinda doubt those images were scans. The fonts looked all vectory & true-type-like.
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