Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, right, swears in Mark A. Dybul, left, as the new coordinator of the U.S. Global AIDS Office during a ceremony at the State Department in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2006. From left are, Dybul, First lady Laura Bush, Dybul's partner, Jason Claire, and Rice. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas (UNITED STATES)Hmm, I can't help but notice, poring over the pictures from this event, that male Bushies are conspicuously absent from this photo-op. Even (perhaps especially) Josh Bolten! I wonder where they all were for this happy occasion? I bet they totally got stuck in traffic.
Also, notice who the snapper is? Yes! It's sparklefave Yuri Gripas, Condirazzi sublime and winner of the prestigious Sparkle Pony Iron Photo-opographer Challenge. Well, you all know that Yuri never lets us down, and always comes up with a shot so special, so magically wonderful, that it'll sate even the most insistent Condicravings for days. And today was no exception. Prepare yourself for a photograph so utterly beautiful that you'll burst into tears of joy. Scroll down when you're sure you've properly prepared yourself:


A thing of beauty is a joy forever: it's loveliness increases;
it will never pass into nothingness. (Keats)
Fangs for the pix psp, I'll never get to sleep tonight.
My goodness! That second photo is ginghamlicious!
...It's almost like a time-lapse photo of Condi being hit with a dose of Joker Gas.
Wow. When did Albert Finney lose all that weight? He looks great. Are he and Condi an item now?
Laura has bedhead. WTF?
Condi has better dental hygiene than Laura -- compare the color of the two ladies' teeth...
and to think, they both tug at the heartstrings of 'shrub
Of course, all that Texas chain smokin' got Laura's teeth reeeeel yella! Of course when you have to blot out the memories of the past(the nasty traffic incident leaving one dead) and the present(can you imagine waking up next to that man?) not to mention the future(jenna or barbara swollen with child?) you'd chain smoke too!
What's with the funky shadow over Laura? Cool eclipse-like effect!.
And that Condi...so dang cheerful when with other same sex loving folks! Tzipi, where are you?
PSP, if and when you have the strength to do another Iron Photo-off... I'd love it.
Kisses, Dahhhlink.
Pat Nixon chain-smoked, too.
Now it's time to kick off the shoes and chug some gin fizzes.
Fla GOP Rep Foley should have been there ... but then gentlemen prefer interns...so he can be forgiven.
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