In any event, it doesn't seem like very many people are buying the latest book. But who is buying it? From what I can tell, mostly aunts and uncles. Here are some excerpts from the reviews on Amazon:
- "My 5 nieces and nephews have loved following Ellis the Elephant in Gingrich's first two books..."
- "...also such a great gift to all my nieces and nephews."
- "I cant wait to read it to both my nephews!"
- "Will keep buying this book for my nieces and nephews and special people in my life."
- "My Nephew loves Ellis!"
- "Ellis the elephant does it again! He is so beloved by my nieces to pieces!"
- "I love to read to my nieces and nephew when I visit them, and the Ellis books are some of their favorites."
Special message to Thomas, James, Daniel, Jack, and Amelia: I promise I won't ever do that to you. I'm just not that kind of uncle.
Somewhere, a perfectly nice couple is having an argument about those crappy right-wing books their brother-in-law keeps bringing the kids.
This apropos of nothing except you must see this post by Bizarro's Don Piraro
So bascially, at best it's a book you by for kids that aren't yours. At worst, it's crazy uncle spam.
Your Royal Highness, I love my Crazy Uncle Spam.
It's sad that these right-wing fuckebagge aunts and uncles don't realize that their siblings are lying to them. But not surprising.
I promised myself I wouldn't go there, but I'm going to go there. If every single "review" is about reading to the nieces/nephews, I'd do a trace on the originating ISP. Sounds like review trolling to me. Of course, the Gingriches would be above that, but still . . .
Dear Princess,
Did you have a painful childhood -- rejected by all the pleasant happy children? What explains your need to hurt others?
With affection and concern.
Your friend,
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