Well, wonder no more, because the Club for Growth has done it again! They've issued a fresh new fatwa against the gymtastic congressman from Peoria, citing a litany of reasons why he's just not conservative enough, etc., etc., before concluding, in a wonderfully, ingeniously veiled reference to Gay Aaron Schock™'s closet abode, "The voters of Illinois’s 18th Congressional District are not blind: they can tell when someone is pretending to be something they’re not."
Gay Aaron Schock™, who I am compelled to remind you is totally, fabulously heterosexual, pretending to be something he's not? I can't imagine such a thing! So mean! Poor Gay Aaron Schock™!
Were they winking, or Tinky-Winking? Inquiring minds want to know!
I am schocked! I guess he might need fellow ab-master Paul Ryan to come to his rescue
I want to touch his tinky winky abs.
My parents live close to Peoria and the local paper had an article about Paul Ryan coming to Peoria to campaign for Aaron just this week, so your suggestion was timely, D.Cap.
Paul Ryan... Aaron Schock.... is there something here we don't know? Goodness gracious!!
Tinky Winky with abs! Love it!
Better primaried than married, I guess.
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