So that's that for Newt's political career. He's broke. His PAC is broke. His campaign owes zillions of dollars to everybody. But Gingrich Productions lives on! So Almighty Goddess Callista will continue to make weird videos about the Pope and American Exceptionalism, and she'll probably continue her children's publishing endeavors with the unfortunate and disturbing Ellis the Elephant. And Newt? He'll just be a staffer.
So next time they're in Tiffany's looking at fab baubles? Callista will be doing the buying. And isn't that the way it should be?
It's nice to know that she'll take care of him.
Thanks for not posting the spinning Callista head. That gives me vertigo.
Soon, Newt will be wearing the elephant suit to save on staff costs.
Maybe this all been the big plan orchestrated by his ex-wives? He will now get sick and she'll leave him on his death bed. Cackling. It's like 9 to 5, the extended mix.
Wow. Just wow. So much for the Sugar Daddy.
When you have Newt's level of connections, bankruptcy is like skin cancer. It doesn't look good, but nine times of ten it's easily removed.
Matty Boy - Are you certain the Doughy Meatbag will need the suit?
(insert rimshot)
* A tip of the hat to our host for that evocative turn of a phrase!
Neutered Newt!
Winking Callista rocks!
Now the Gingriches can focus on what's really important: her.
In the world of wingnut welfare, failure is not possible: Newt's going to be on Meet the Press next Sunday.
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