Republican presidential candidate former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's and his wife Callista's signatures are seen at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire January 9, 2012. REUTERS/Eric Thayer
Oooooh, that's almost as good as the pointless Fred "Fred Who?" Karger Frisbee. Neither Cally nor Newt has a particularly impressive signature, but Goddess Callista's is cuter, natch.
She Does dot her iiiii's
She should use a heart.
Speaking of Fred, a gaggle of his young followers were at the Dartmouth Bookstore last week. I was just about to ask after the Great Man when I saw that he was with them.
(Make that He.)
The excitement!
@ zoe: She does dot her eyes, she just misses them badly. I'm guessing glasses would ruin the perfection of the hair.
Newt's seems to read "Nut Zen"
It's a golden helmet!!
You know she began practicing that signature the moment she became a congressional page.
Callista's "C" is an attempt at replicating the swoosh in her hairdo.
I was in upstate New York for New Year celebrations and was driving back to Cleveland-Hopkins Airport along highway 90 on January 4th through Pennsylvania when up ahead in the opposite lanes was the largest, shiniest most astounding tour bus I had ever seen. I commented to my wife that it looked like it would have to be a mighty big Rock star to have been traveling in such style and splendor. As we passed it I looked over for clues as to who it might've been. Plastered all over the the entire body of this behemoth vehicle was a gargantuan head shot of Newtie himself. We were just THIS close to the Gingrich's. The vibe was almost overpowering...
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