It's both exciting and frustrating that Reuters today has a
"meet Callista Gingrich" article to help out those who are first encountering the existence of this goddess among us, this magnificent orb-coiffured vision. Obviously, the article doesn't do her justice, can't do her justice! It's frustrating because we learn all the things we already knew, about how she's a dedicated musician, that Gingrich Productions is "her baby," (which is sad, because I bet when she was a teenager she thought she'd end up with real babies, not production company babies), she wrote a children's book, spends a lot of time on her hair and wardrobe, etc., etc.
It's exciting, however, because there are some tantalizing glimpses of Callista past and Callista future. "She would even hold a beer bottle elegantly," a college friend says, which is surprising because I can't imagine her holding a beer bottle at all, so that leaves me wanting more. Those most thrilling phrase in the whole article, though, is this: "If the pattern holds, she would also be involved in most aspects of a Gingrich presidency."
Yes, please!
"I have not seen Newt happier than he is today."
Callista wears expensive clothes and visits the hairdresser often, but "from a DC perspective she isn't unusual," said the former staffer.
Brilliant Nancillista graphic!
I would still love to see a verified picture of her ten to twenty years ago.
Recall that when Newt dumped wife #2 to move on to Callista, he said to the elder wife on her way out "You are like a Jaguar. What I need is a Chevy."
An incredibly high maintenance Chevy.
I'm still amazed at Callista circa May 2011.
I can totally imagine THAT Callista holding a beer bottle. Or at least a ZIMA. Such a fascinating, inspirational journey.
Went to my hairdresser today. He once had the second Mrs. G as a client. NOT Callista, so he is NOT responsible for the orb. However, he had some scoop on the current Gingrich marriage. I did not ask his source, but he described a typical Nootie-Callista visit to Tiffany's. Said that Nootie would sit in a corner reading a magazine or something while Callista just shopped. And shopped and shopped and shopped. I find it both amazing and repulsive that this Newt Gingrich person pretends to understand poor people and the values they allegedly do and do not hold.
I forgot the Chevy/Jaguar comment. And I'd give anything for a photo of Callista holding a beer bottle.
What brand do you think she'd drink?
Oh, and I meant to add that Nootie and Wifey #2 were so hard up for cash that Wifey was selling cosmetics on the side to make ends meet. But now Nootie's orb-headed Wifey #3 can shop at Tiffany's because he made a ton of money off of healthcare reform. There is something truly, truly sick about these people.
Ha ha, this sentence contains so much more than it says: "After college, Callista headed to Washington to work for a Congressman she knew from Wisconsin."
"She was the glue that held the campaign together."
Like the kind that comes from a horse? Icky.
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