(photo via Leesburg Today)
Leesburg, Virginia wanted to have a nativity scene on display at their courthouse, obviously, so to make everything "fair," they gave out slots, on a first-come first-served basis, for others to erect alternative seasonal displays. What could possibly go wrong?
I love the skeleton Santa on a cross, shown above, but Virginians decidedly did not: within hours, the stirring depiction of Saint Nick had been torn apart and destroyed. You can read some hilariously pearl-clutchy reactions (and nobody supporting it, naturally) here at the venerable Washington Times.
The really fun thing is that the other groups, including atheist groups, haven't even put up their displays yet! Should be entertaining to see what they come up with for the local Christians to vandalize.
This... is... AWESOME.
Just when I had lost faith in humanity, someone comes along and saves Christmas for me. This is just so awesome. I think the equal access idea is perfect. Christmas is a time of diverse insanity. Let's get it all on display.
I see a classic TV movie in the making!
Leesburgians are such good Christians, what with their love of capital punishment, their hatred of universal health care, and their economic dependence on the war industry. One myth fits another, I guess. Nothing to see here, folks.
Pranksters rule.
I live in this county, and the display was in fact erected by an family active in the local atheist group.
The group shows up right after Christmas each year to garner as many of those "first come" slots as possible, and last year scored 6 of the 10 available.
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