Wow! OK, one could say that Michele Bachmann looks absolutely nuts on the cover of Newsweek's upcoming issue (detail above). One could say that this is an intentional act of violence against Bachmann by Newsweek's editors. One could say that this cover represents Bachmann's media-bashing chickens coming home to roost. One could say that this is a naked cry for attention from Newsweek itself.
Yes, one could say all these things, and they would all be 100% accurate.
What the fucken fucke is she LOOKING AT!?!?!?!?!
@ Comrade
Why, a mirror, of course!
She's looking at Jesus!
She's looking at Gawd Himself.
She looks absolutely terrified.
Your page loads a little bit slowly on my computer. I saw that it said "OMG" at the top of this post, so I should have been prepared.
I wasn't!
That picture poppin gup on my screen freaked me out! Why do all the Republican women have the crazy eyes?
I agree with all of the above comments,which is why I want to emgrate to New Zealand.
@dianegsocialist, funny!
I think in the next frame you'll see a cartoonish spring come popping out the top of her head.
@dianegsocialist The crazy eyes! You are so right.
Oh Great Pumpkin, pleasepleaseplease don't let the Merkan people fall so low as to actually put one of these (explicative deleted) in office.
I am not going to go look at the baby rhino, and then some fluffy kittens to purge this nighmarerific image from my mind.
What is everyone so jazzed at Newsweek about? This is how she normally looks!
Veneers? She is crazy, but still looks good for 50.
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