President Bush and first lady Laura Bush pose with the recipients of the President’s Environmental Youth Award, The Wiser Misers Energy Team from Huntingdon, Tenn. Thursday, April 17, 2008, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds)
Another "green" photo-op for the First Couple! This is such a good case of seeing how the inane, cutesy stunts really tell the entire story. Recently we had Laura Bush fooling around with potted plants, and vapidly pretending to plant a tree with George, and it's all so sudden and so obviously some staffer's little project for touching up the lame duck's legacy. What's really interesting is that this particularly shallow photo-op was important enough for the Bushes to participate right in the middle of the Papal visit. What a coincidence that they had such a feel-good event featuring adorable children today, of all things! Well, scheduling is tight at the White House, after all.
I'm guessing that all the adorable children above will each receive $1,000 from Exxon-Mobil for their energy-saving idea patents which will then be buried forever in the cornerstone of the Bush Presidential Library™. What an honor for these young environmentalists to be posing with the Environment President!
Global warming? Another name for spring, to paraphrase Dick Cheney.
Awww, it's good to see George finally seeking advice from his intellectual betters.
How fortunate for these children to actually meet a President whose legacy will so greatly impact thier future. In a bad, bad way.
I don't know what all those goofy girls in the picture are doing, but Whitey and the Beaver don't look so happy being pawed by the clammy Smile Lady.
Eeuwww, how embarrassing for those poor kids. Oh well, at least they'll have something new to hang in their bathrooms.
at least these children are less annoying than those extremely creepy "snowflake" children.
Even outside in full sun, Count Pickles still looks vampiric and insane.
Poor kids, as they fry/die/freeze, at a later age, from global warming (actually a metaphor for where our world is going under people like GWB the world over), they may regret in their later years that they posed with gangsters like Laura and George, so representative of leaders in most countries and "movements," not only the USA. But at least the nice boys will still have their nice ties on!
He's done more to fuck up their collective future than anyone on earth. What a disgrace.
these kids have no chance in life now
the black girl below Dubya...Condi in her youth (or should I say adulthood?).
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