Hamas militants carry a banner showing a caricature of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on a banner in the Nusseirat Refugee Camp, central Gaza Strip, Friday, April 18, 2008. The arabic on banner reads "Calm down sweetie, calm down and damn the rocket that woke you out of your sleep. " (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)
In my dark mood that made me laugh out loud.
At first I thought it was showing Condi about to eat a baby.
I know, I know...
whyn is "arabic" not capitalized? "American" is.
looney tunes was never more appropriate
Wait- does that giant baby bottle have a dead baby floating around in it?
Oh, and look- cartoon Ferragamos!
Thank god they didn't picture her as a member of la leche league.
Anonymous, that's the way the caption came from Associated Press.
The cartoonists forgot her sunglassess with the very big logos, which she sported at Camp David this weekend.
My bad...she has a new pair of sunglasses...no logo.
Bitch has hair like fucking Bosco.
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