Ha ha! Christians get on my nerves. Wheee! Such a strange poll! I was encouraged that they were able to find so many Americans who haven't stepped foot into a church in six months, I guess, but why not include the "Easter and Christmas Only" crowd? The accompanying article is here.
My fantasy religious poll: 1,000 Christians are hooked up to voice-stress analyzers and asked, "Do you really believe Jesus was the son of God, conceived of a virgin, who came back to life after dying on the cross?"
I gave the C&E and now only attend as W&F
Weddings & funerals.
Researcher: "Do you really believe Jesus was the son of God, conceived of a virgin, who came back to life after dying on the cross?"
Larry Craig: "Yes. [few seconds later] Why is smoke coming from that machine. I was only shifting my legs for comfort."
Most of them totally get on my nerves. Unless I ask someone directly about their religious affiliation, I am annoyed when someone volunteers it.
I find the more someone yacks about their personal reltionship with Jesus, the stronger urge I get to kick my keys to the car if I accidentally drop them.
My darling princess --
I can tell you for certain that the majority of laity AND clergy do not believe what they say they believe.
Fear has so clouded their sense of spirit that they can only mouth back what they have heard; what they think they've heard.
Chrisianity is what could be called an "imitative religion". Christians imitate, with sentiment and morality, what they think they SHOULD be about. It's so sad.
It's so pathetic but in a good kind of way, huh? Poor 'ole Jesus. He's so fucking tired of it all.
How about "Christians can go to hell"?
I love it that those that attend most often are the ones that find Christians the most annoying.
wow I wish I could take that poll!!
Yes. But there is no WAS regarding Christ Jesus. He IS the risen Son of the Living God.
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