Blogging at Wonkette was fun today! I was better-prepared than I was last year, so it wasn't as scary and hectic. I had lots of fun with Senator Craig, true, but I also got to make fun of John McCain being old, John Ashcroft's wife for sticking her tongue out at Alberto Gonzales, the Spy Museum for being expensive and infested with tourist children, and Condi 'n' George for going to the moon! Overall, it was a pretty sparkley day!
UPDATE! For future reference, here are links to the rest of my Wonkette posts for the day:
Good Morning!
Larry Craig weekend news Corral!
Carolina GOP sex scandals are old-fashioned, but feature funnier names.
Jerry Lewis says the f-word. No, the other f-word.
Dear Wonkette: Is there an airport sexytime play toilet in my area? Probably!
Larry Craig's adopted kids: terribly naive or is it just the bad hairdos?
Larry Craig-related sacred relics! Hurry!
Ha ha ha! Larry Craig Photoshops! What'll those kids think of next?
Next year I absolutely refuse to go on vacation during Larry Craig week.
Man, it's going to take me two days to catch up! (Next year I guess it will be Norm Coleman. Just sayin')
Don't you get to sign your name to that stuff over there?
Seems unfair.
I quite agree with karenzipdrive --Wonkette didn't even have a note at the top of the page to let folks know that Our Princess was providing the sparkly commentary for the day...
... though SarahJessicaPorker got bonus PonyPoints for her comment recognizing PSP's prose.
if you guest starred on Two and Half Men (that is the Larry Craig sitcom) you would get a mention -- but no mention at wonkette!
boo to the ette!
Why didn't you get to use your name?
Um, I couldn't figure out how to add a byline, and I didn't really care enough to ask. Don't blame the fine folks at Wonkette. I don't blog for "recognition."
As always your pink humbleness is, well, humbling. I like it when you blog over there. It gets so boring and straight sometimes what with Alex and Ken (which surprisingly are not the happiest gay couple you've ever met) and now I don't have to visit more than one site! You were fabulous. I hope they invite you back soon.
But, Sparkle --
LarryCraig may not resign after all!!!!
He's thinking of hangin' 'round the Senate while "pursuing legal remedies".
Jiminy God! This thang could carry on for months!
Larry Craig is a gift, a wonderful, wonderful gift.
I've been of a mind not to say anything about this, because to an extent I've been willing to sympathise with his predicament (no, really!). But now he's shown he's completely bereft of decency and honor, and th' bastid must go.
Or at least be ridiculed mercilessly as long as he sticks around...
Go, Princess!
Let's hope his announcement that he's "pursuing all legal options" and trying to "annul" his guilty plea will keep him around for yet MORE LARRY CRAIG SPARKLYNESS! I can't get enough! Keep the pah-ty goin' on, PSP!
love the hand turkeys. great job on wonkette!
I would hold on to the turkeys a bit longer they may get a whole new show real soon. They may come in "handy".
...but wait! one more Larry Craig moment! Did you see the Giuliani ad that says that Larry Craig is NOT gay...but Fred Thompson might be? Better than that is name-checking Fred "Gopher" Grandy. Now that's one rodent that I wouldn't want up there.
Oh, and BigHeadDC has a wacked out theory about where these ads are coming from: - he thinks it's some dude named Dan Meyers
Oh, you know the Hand Turkeys are my very favorite! Must....link....
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