Tuesday, August 21, 2007

UPDATE: You Want More Scarfcentric News?

Um... OK, then!


Anonymous said...

Princess darling,

May I humbly suggest that your dear blog include photos of nuns in their head-gears ... or of ladies in the US of A getting married wearing their veils.

I personally think it is a compliment to the wider public to keep one's face invisible from it (the public) as much as possible. Respect for one's fellow human-being, perhaps .... i.e., I won't offend you my showing me...

Anonymous said...

Can we please just get rid of this poisonous God meme and stop telling each other how to live?

wassonii said...

"I'm not here to live my life and do whatever I want. I'm here to worship God," Seyam said. "I don't think that everybody has that, and I think that I'm lucky for it."
Scary scarf action.
Can I still dig the scarves even though I don't "worship" in that way? If I could only afford Atil...

Fran said...

I was all prepared to say something and that first comment freak messed me up.

Anyway, back on track.

The beginning of that story from CNN took my breath away.

What a nation of ignorant people we have become. No wonder evolution is questioned by some... They have devolved, not evolved.

What does an idiot look like? They come with headgear optional I guess.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the person who wrote comment #1 is a guy who covers HIS face?
I doubt it.
Please stop the weird comments, m'kay? I don't come here to read weird shit.

Distributorcap said...

is it me -- but WTF is comment #1 talking about?

for me.... i cant wait to see a scarfed Jenna

Anonymous said...

Princess: thanks for that post. I learned from it, sad but true. It inspired me to google the term I used in the comments to the previous post, abaya, which I knew because my mom worked for a short time in Saudi and had to wear one anytime she left the embassy grounds. I had somehow gotten in my head that it was just the scarf (hijab), but now I remember her saying it was a full length black gown that covered pretty much everything. Oh, so comfortable in the desert heat...

You've got me thinking about how we delude ourselves and oppress each other based on those delusions. I appreciate your strategy for dealing with that: I wish more people had your gift for bullshit detection, this world would be a happier place.

dguzman said...

anon numbers 1 and 2 freaked me out. whatevah.

I'm giggling at the thought of Jenna and whatever the other one's name is and Crazy Eyes ALL in little scarves. But of course theirs would be TRES FASHIONABLE! That is, if La Ursula would loan them her designer....

Speaking of La Ursula--we need more of her! Not to mention more Condibots and matching armchairs and Kleenex boxes and....