Lucky Oklahoma Pony Pals™, it's true! Just order this bee-yoo-tee-ful license plate and terror is a goner! Yay! I must say, though, that I'd like it a lot better if the eagle had a single tear going down its proud, superbly-rendered face.
And how exactly, you may wonder, does ordering this fantastic item help fight terror? Let's go straight to the order form:

Um... YES! The museum fund! Take that, Osama!
Also, totally LOL at the portion of the proceeds for the Olympics plate going to the USOC "for the use of their logo."
This wonderful new license plate makes me want to salute any potential bearer with the classic hand jesture denoting the twin towers after the south tower had fallen.
Darling Princess,
Allow to me to puke on the license plate "[Oh]Oklahoma."
We ordinary Americans have just had enough of this war on terror s---t.
Mybe it should be a war on carrots. Enough rs there to keep Dubya happy.
I want a War On Crocs plate for my car!
Nothing says "I'm against terror and you're not!" like a license plate and an infantry museum donation!
Oh, my God... when will people in my state ever learn? Whoever come up with this little piece of work deserves water boarding!
Visit you local museum today... or the terrorists have won.
Oh, yeah. And do some shopping there while you're at it.
i want the license plate that has the surrey with the fringe on the top
I am Oklahomaphobic. Now you can see why.
No, wait, wait. Instead of an Eagle with an elegant tear, substitute one of the crying Santorum children.
Amazingly, Princess, there are four Alabama license plates on this page and only one of them is photoshopped. Have fun guessing!
Wake me up when they issue the GLOBAL WAR ON ZOMBIES plate.
I think that not only do prisoners in Oklahoma make the license plates, they do the graphic design as well.
In Virginia, you can get a license plate that says, "Fight Terrorism." I'm seriously considering acquiring one with the personalized plate reading:
Any other suggestions?
If you go to the sight, you will see that Ok has a freakin' plethora of plates, including almost 40 NASCAR plates. Are they giving out Fine Arts degree's in prison now?
God bless the okies! At least the eagle isn't getting noodled... or is it?
Princess, once again, you bring a tear to MY eye. (I've got to stop reading these when I should be quiet:)
Oh Princess, posts like this one reminds me why I love you so much!
And what building is that behind the Eagle? Because it certainly isn't the World Trade Center whose strips were vertical and not horizontal -- perhaps it's a memorial to the CommercePlace II in an office park of I-40?
Why won't Texas fall off the northern continent and get swallowed whole by the ocean? Because Oklahoma Sucks.
I just love you princess.
Nothing else just had to say it.
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