Afghan President Hamid Karzai (C) speaks with US First Lady Laura Bush (R) as President George W. Bush looks on upon his arrival at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland. Bush challenged Monday his ally Afghanistan President Hamid Karzi's contention that Iran played a positive role in his country, maintaining that Tehran was "not a force for good."(AFP/Mandel Ngan)
So, OK, imagine you're Laura Bush (whoah! Calm down, drop a few Xanax, OK?), and you're standing in front of your closet thinking, "Hmmm, who should I coordinate my outfit with today? George? Or... ooooh, Hamid!" I think she made the obvious choice. Can you stand the glamour?
But, OMG, I doubt Camp David was any less sweltering than DC was yesterday. Karzai must be sweating up a storm under all those yards of fabric... a Desert Storm, even!
Oooooh, hot 'n' sweaty Karzaikins. Mmmmmmmm.
*passes out*
George. Dude. You're the leader of the free world. Buy some dress shoes.
HelloGoodbye, Miss First Lady Ma'am. It is lovely to see you all in pastel, but now it is time for the important people with penises to talk, so you won't take up any more of our valuable time.
THANK you.
Karzai-licious! I know a pair of green hush puppies that might work with his pasmina!
I had exactly the same thought about the hush puppies!
W is thinking "stop flirting with my wife, you oily sumbitch!"
Or maybe he's upset to look like freakin' Goober Lindsay next to such world class sartorial splendor...
best headline evah.
Dumbya certainly does look like he's suckin' on a lemon.
are those military guards checking out Mrs Bush's bush?
Bush looks like his horrid old mother with that sour puss.
The expression on his face is a delightful mixture of consternation (mouth) and cluelessness (eyebrows).
Actually, Dubya's got the hots for Hamid and is regretting being stuck with his plain ol' wife.
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