Also, I know this has been posted elsewhere, but I simply have to add to the chorus of approval for the sexiest protester of the year:
Who is he and where do we see nude photographs of find out more about him? Bad form wearing the hat inside, though.
UPDATE: His name is Adam Kokesh, he's with Iraq Vets Against the War, and there's another picture of him here.
Gosh, he's adorable!UPDATE: They were a little slow, but Wonkette caught Adam Fever, too!
Well, it would be a reason to restart her Blog.
Get her to the beauty counter at Nordstrom. Right now.
Actually in this photo I get a very (said with great respect to this part of the population but not Harriet.)...
Post Op M2F. Poorly done.
I wish I could see her feet- that is always the giveaway.
nice guns
Don't we get to see more of Harriet in the Senate Judiciary inquisition soon?
I wonder how she's wearing her hair now. Perhaps Sister Nancy Beth can give her a Christian makeover.
Those bangs...!
Love the arms, hate the hat!
Since I know that many PonyPals™ are also aware of the Buffyverse, I want to say that top photo is obviously Andy Hallett without the green makeup and horns from the Lorne character and wearing a really silly wig and pearls. Or the Princess is up to her PhotoShopping tricks again. Fool us once, Princess, shame on us...
As for the protestor, not my particular cup of tea, but if Ursula Plassnik delicately picked him up, squeezing his chest ever so gently between her thumb and forefinger around his chest, that would be the start of one of my favorite fantasy scenarios.
delurking to say, i LOVE this guy's arms... although, is that a MARINES tattoo i see? eiw.
p.s. i read you every day. love your blog.
Dear Sparkles, I love I can come here and find someone who has already commented on how badly Harriet needs a makeover. Please, honey, lose the soot black eyeliner and mascara, and especially the liner under your eyes! And the red lipstick is not you, sorry.
P.S. Disregard this, Harriet, if you are auditioning for the Frank N Furter role in the newest Rocky Horror revival.
Man, talk about an emotional swing. First I see old pathetic harriet and then bingo, a stud muffin. Much much better!
A quick run of Adam's name through the Google shows that he also has strong... writing skills!
Man, Adam is a hottie. Check him out in a blue shirt and tie to match his eyes.
He's a little too cleaned-up in that one for my tastes. Did you find the shot of him from the Washington Post? HOTT.
I missed that on, unfortunately. Off to google!
As for me, it could be all Adam all the time. I like the clean cut McKenna shot and the WaPo one was, as PSP predicted HOTT.
Notice how Adam has taken on a life of his own on this one.
Oh yes Matty brought up HM- and yes fooled once, I am so with that.
And Divageek also strays over into Harriet-ville.
But Adam takes the day!!
You had to ruin that beautiful man's pic by putting Harriets mug before his?
Shameful. :P
Seriously. Don't leave for the weekend with Hagrid Meiers as your top photo. You coulda switched and put sexysexy on top.
This way I open up PSPPhotoblog and go 'eeeeuuuuugggghhh'. It's like you farted right before getting out of the car pool.
Harriet has a smoker's skin, just like Laura has a smoker's teeth. My useless wisdom of the day.
That Harriet photo reminds me of when Bilbo saw the Ring in Rivendell in the first LOTR movie.
Harriet's having a hard time getting to the derm doc. There's a hold up you know, with all the girls getting Botox at 30 these days.
I'm sure you can alter Adam as you see fit...
Yes, he's beautiful, and getting an education too! Here's a link to him at Claremeont College:
OMG, It's KOKESH! My former dorm president. LOLZ.
I don't get it. We have a volunteer armed forces. Why would someone who is against the war, volunteer to fight in it??? I might could understand if you didn't have to obey orders, but no, you do have to obey their orders. So what gives? Does he have a split personality?
Congratulations, you just dehumanized yourself from a woman, a person, to an accessory of man. Gawsh.
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