A smiling, life-sized sculpture of Barack Obama with a blue neon halo circling his head is seen, Monday, April 2, 2007, in Chicago. The work by School of the Art Institute of Chicago senior David Cordero, made for his senior show, has the phones ringing at the Chicago school as word spreads of the undergrad's work depicting Obama as a messianic figure. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)
A swish of the combable tail and a hearty congratulations to fortunate David Cordero for brilliantly capturing the Barack Obama zeitgeist: He will save us all! Let's see the whole thing:

And the very, very happy (and lucky) artist:

If Obama really is the savior, let's hope the "died for our sins" part isn't implemented this time. Read all about it! It's causing a stir!
I'd say the young man has a bright future in German carnival figures ahead of him.
Yeah, but can he make an Obama out of chocolate?
This must tie in somehow to all those "1.20.09" bumper stickers I keep seeing on cars in thehipster parts of town. Will that day be the new Christmas?
I saw the image of Obama in my baking sheet!
I'm looking forward to using 'Barack!' as a swear word.
I like how they keep referring to that chocolate jesus sculpture as "anatomically correct" - like the artist, or anyone else for that matter, would know the correct size of big J's unit.
It's also funny that the idiot Christians act like it's just SO outrageous to show Jesus' penis, but there's actually a long tradition of doing just that to make the theological point that "he was born a man in all his parts." Now, usually the infant Christ is used to make this point, but Michaelangelo sculpted a life-size nude Christ which can be seen today in Rome. There's even a term used to describe this concept: Ostentation Genitalis.
Mel Gibson just crapped his pants.
Well, his rodand his staff they do comfort me!
Hey, seriously, why is it ok for Mel Gibson to make a bloody bondage snuff film starring the lord jesus, but showing the christly penis del cioccolato is a sacrilege?
See as a Chicagoan -- I have to say this is exactly what is encouraged for the senior show by SCAID students. Favorites from years past: the American flag you had to walk over to sign a guest book and a painting of then mayor Harold Washington (Chicago's first and only black mayor) in women's underwear. There was also something about 3 years ago that was SO controversial that the school wouldn't even show it and the student artist had to have his senior show in some private gallery in Bucktown. If I remember correctly that one had some sort of homosexual theme: perhaps nude pictures?
The ten o'clock news would have nothing to report on in April and May if not for these "controversies." So i assume that they are behind it as well for a sweeps month kind of thing.
But I still want to know why we never hear anything about La Condee--is she trying to distance herself from Shrubya or is he distancing himself from her? Whata condi-nundrum...
Gimme that old sac-religion,
Gimme that old sac-religion,
Gimme that old sac-religion,
It's good enough for me!
Excuse Me but I dont think you should be criticizing him he is my friend and does not need your insults.
The Obama figure's hands seem to be in the "as above, so below" pose. Was this ironic or a hidden message or inadvertent? It's definitely possible
that Obama is not a Christian. He might worship the other guy.
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