Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney talks to employees during a campaign stop at GT Solar Inc., a solar related equipment plant in Merrimack, N.H., Friday, Feb. 23, 2007. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)
Forgive me for being three days behind in the Romneywatch, but isn't it thrilling? That'll silence those Mormon-shy Pentecostalistics! Bush's famous halo appears old-fashioned next to this pointy wonder! Touché, Mr. Romney, touché!
Look! It's the hypno-tie!
I'm beginning to suspect something dark and mysterious about this roaming tie that suddenly wraps itself about the neck of politicians forcing them to say and do its bidding!
I was cruising some right-wing blogs, I don't recall which ones, I look quickly and it makes me feel dirty, but they were on and on about all the bad LEFT WING politicians who get halos in newspix. Nancy Pelosi with a halo! Harry Reid with a halo! Filthy biased left wing media! Boo!
I would get so angry now, but I'm looking at the Hypno-Tie. The Lovely Hypno-Tie.
The Sooothing Hypno-zzzzzzzzz...
Wait, wait,can't we just imagine -- La Plassnik in a giant, bicep-hugging, neck enlongating, world-bettering Hypno-Scarf!
Mary on a cookie sheet, and Romney with a halo.
Truly this is the second coming. What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches toward DC to be born?
"Mitt Romney's Seal of Approval"
A solar halo! Very nice! I guess he'd be an environmental president, too.
I did read that his political minuses include a too-perfect hairdo.
Brylcream Division?
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