President Bush, center, accompanied by members of his Cabinet, gestures while speaking in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2007. From left are, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman , Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten, Transportation Secretary Mary Peters, EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson, the president, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy John Walters, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson, Budget Director Rob Portman, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings, obscured, and National Intelligence Director John Negroponte. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)I got momentarily distracted earlier today and let my attention wander to Condi's companion in her latest photo-op, something which rarely happens. But, hey, Robert Gates is a new starlet for this blog to cover, and the perky new Secretary of Defense is showing promise. I couldn't help notice that Mr. Gates appeared shorter than Condi... quite a bit shorter, in fact. Well, as you can see in the ghoulish shot above (besides possibly the densest concentration of evil on the planet), Gates is, in fact, teeny (yet perfectly formed!).
The best part of the picture, though, is
And, finally, Mary Peters' hairdo certainly requires intense investigation.
UPDATE: Pony Pal™ Matty Boy wants to share that this is the third picture in a row to show Condi protecting her ladyparts from her surroundings. Honey, do you want to talk about it? And now, suddenly, I wonder: has she been doing this all along, and I've failed to notice? Or is it something new? Have we stumbled upon her... cycle? Condi, oh Condi, why are you so afraid for your flower? Let it spread its wings and soar!
Negroponte is playing pocket pool, as we used to call it in grade school, complete with a surly adolescent "You're not the boss of me" slouch that is sure to get him in trouble, and maybe soon.
Also, this is way too many pictures in a row with Condi protecting the ladyparts like they are made of gold. She is of an age when menopause is certainly a viable explanation. Itchiness? Dryness? Over-heating?
Sorry to bring it up. I'm already embarrassed, and I haven't even hit the "send" button yet.
the densest concentration of evil on the planet . . . ain't that the truth?
i've been reading your for months. just wanted to say howdy. adore your writing!!
Condi's 'lady parts' (I'll never feel the same way about my kitty-cat again, now that you've slung that phrase at me).
hmmmm...I've been spending an awful lot of time thinking about Condi's 'lady-parts'. And this can't be good. But I was thinking, you know how tinfoil hats protect you from Cheney's mind-probe and stop the voices from getting through? Maybe Condi has developed intolerance to her tinfoil-anti-codpiece device and now feels bare, or barren. Or exposed.
Menopause...well Matty, perhaps I should send her some softening emolient. Pure New Zealand Lanolin would give her a nice scent don't you think? Certainly she'd be popular with Barney. And most likely Bush. Or is he more of a 'calf man'?
As seen in the photo below, that suit (which I believe is identical to one my female colleagues wore in the early 1980s as ushers at a major East Coast concert venue) has some of the worst fit issues seen in recent years outside the DPRK (the last refuge of the Soviet fashion sense).
I think the pose, along with the posture/concavity issues noted by other Pals, has something to do with the strange slouch noted in Xmas-period photo ops (which made Madam look like her body had been replaced with that of an octogenarian). I hope her endocrinologist is keeping an eye on her bone density....
And the collarline obscures our view of whether she is in pearls or the dreaded GoldTone torque-like object (my personal obsession). Probably a good thing.
Hmm... that is one protected pussy, all right. That comes from too frequently being the Only Girl on the team. You have to keep your tampons out of sight, be a team player, etc.
Some low-class picture.
I blame a bad Brazilian...
I think Negroponte bargained for Foley's IM buddies list. One of them told him the hookup sign was to jingle his bells in a photo op.
The hot tub party is ON!!!!
Give Condi credit: she's the only one not wearing a black funeral attire...
Actually, it looks like the whole left side of the group is covering up. Maybe there's a soccer free-kick being lined up off-camera.
More on the Negroponte situation; I am sure the alert PonyPals™ have heard that the Black Bridge (translation from Spanish, sounds like a tourist attraction in Mordor) is now an undersecretary in the State Department, answering to Dr. Ferragamo herself. His distracted self-pleasuring in this photo makes sense, as he is no longer at the Cabinet level, so will be getting a lot less face time with W and a lot less cool photo ops.
From powerful Ambassador of Iraq to powerful King of All Intelligence to watching Condi from the wings, shaking hands with people in the beige chairs... NO, John! You aren't in this picture! Wait over there!
Sad days indeed.
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