Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, left, and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, look on as questions are asked to President Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, not pictured, in the Cross Hall of the White House in Washington Thursday, Jan. 4, 2007. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)See? He just can't. Stay. Away!
"The Cross Hall"
Man, those fundies are remaking everything! Well, I say, let's rename the Oval Office 'Golgotha' at least until this admin is through.
When they fall out can I squish 'em with my bare feet?
After all these years of "heavy thinking" about the Czechoslovak army (1948-1983), the topic of the one and only book "Dr" Rice has actually penned completely by herself (but how thankful she is, in her acknowledgements section to her "book" to "My research assistants, Carol Rose, Victor Valdavia, and particularly Renee de Nevers")
-- after all these years of "heavy thinking" about one of the most obscure, irrelevant topics on earth (the Czechoslovak army), after all these years of heavy thinking (may I repeat myself), "Dr" Rice has finally developed brain wrinkles all too plainly visible on her forehead.
It could create a fashion trend, those Kondi brain wrinkles. Maybe Dubya will get them too, once he starts to think heavily about the Czechoslovak army, 1948-1983.
I've been looking through a few months of Condi snaps to see if that discoloration in the white of her right eye is new or not. Couldn't find another close-up at that angle, but when she smiles, the right eye squints more than the left.
Time to take advantage of the great medical/dental/vision health plan available to White House employees at no extra cost. To them, at least.
I hope Condi's retirement package includes a lifetime supply of Botox from Saddam's personal botulism stash. Either that or Hadley will face some expensive bills when Condi needs a lift.
Time to take advantage of the great medical/dental/vision health plan available to White House employees at no extra cost. Unless the WH has something special just for them, I wouldn't say it was either great or free.
On second thought, she's in a really heavy conversation with the Devil on her shoulder....
Dubya will get them too, once he starts to drink heavily
Oh, I know, you really have to be careful, with climate and moisturizing, and too much of the sauce can turn even the smoothest face into a terrifying mass of crazed flesh that resembles nothing so much as dried out and baked mudflats.
Oh. Oh, wait.
You said thinking. Oh.
No danger of that, then.
Hadley's got jungle fever...and is also a subscriber to "Sexy Gap Monthly"
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