White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten (C) is joined by National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley (R) and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, December 14, 2006. REUTERS/Jim YoungStephen, Stephen, Stephen, you have to stop your endless pining. Seriously, Condi likes Josh now, OK? I hope you two can leave this awkward stage behind and remain friends.
In other news, Condi stood behind a podium today and spoke about human rights for almost fifteen minutes and totally didn't even crack up once:

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice addresses a Human Rights Day Commemoration, Thursday, Dec. 14, 2006 at the State Department in Washington. (AP Photo/Lauren Victoria Burke)Brava! Kudos, also, to the portrait of Jefferson for not bursting into flames during Condi's speech.
They're still playing that Secret Rule game!
The rule is "Swing your dick around and then cover your ass."
Pretty much, as I said, covers their policy in Iraq.
Samael, when I saw this photo, I immediately thought of your comment and thought, "Hey, maybe this guy is on to something!"
Could Condi possibly be looking -- with obvious repugnance -- at some poo left behind by Barney that Dubya failed to notice as he concentrates so hard on winning the war in Iraq?
I think it's a conga line for people who have a strong revulsion about being touched.
Stephen will join, well you know, when all the cool kids have joined so he doesn't look like a complete spazz for being the third person to join, and then like, nobody else joins. How awkward is that?
They look like they are doing that Pepto Bismol commercial and getting to the part about diarrhea.
PSP, the "bursting into flames" imagery has had me giggling for several minutes. I needed that.
When I looked at that picture I had the dreamy notion some of the criminals in the WH were finally being held accountable for their crimes. There they are handcuffed ready to do the Perp walk out the back door over to FBI headquarters to get fingerprinted and booked. Oh well, I can dream can't I?
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