U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (L) stands behind Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as they speak to reporters in the Capitol in Washington May 3, 2006, after briefing bipartisan members of Congress about the situation in Iraq . The two secretaries made a surprise visit to Iraq last week. REUTERS/Kevin LamarqueYes, I'm sure Rummy 'n' Spendoleezza had nothin' but good news after their

I don't think Condi's having any of it, though. I mean, talk to the hand, Warner:

Ewww, he's just totally leering at our Special Princess. Oh, Condi... you've got to find a better class of men to be photographed with.
I think our Condi's bored with her hair...in that last pic she looks like she's trying to coax the flip back out again! Keep an eye on that hairstyle SPP!!
You do mean John Warner, do you not?
OMG, yes. Whoops! Corrected!
Do not think I do not LOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEE PSP...I do! Mark Warner had a hard enough time w/the NYT Magazine cover, but to be tagged as an old Republican ex of Cleopatra....Mais NON!!!!!!!!!!!!
John Warner looks more like the type who'd prefer a 12-year-old.
Warner should of shot the photographer..he looks simply horrific. Rummy looks like..well, Rummy..a dipshit that spends half his life sucking on lemons,or smelling his upper lip.
Is that a flying saucer in the lower picture? Because it's definitely not, you know, a light fixture. Those don't move that way.
She just can't warm up to Rummy, even with Bush's tenderest, breathiest entreaties. They must not have had fun together on their mandated trip.
Rummy probably expected her to wait on him.
p.s. Catch "Rummy in Love" in this week's New Yorker.
Warner looks like Adam West.
Ahh, so THAT'S where the Crypt Keeper has been. Boy he looks terrible without that makeup.
And that first picture . . . I never realized Condi's hairline was so high. It's looking a little fatigued to me, come to mention it. Bit of ashiness on her scalp too. I think someone needs to break out a hot oil treatment or something.
But I approve of the pearls. Can't go wrong with a string of hardened oyster mucus around your gullet.
ewwwwwwwwwwwww..thats not how I think pearls..but I will now Samael..
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