She's really good at signing those, and something tells me there will be plenty more for her to scribble upon in the coming years. And looking at that picture, you'd probably think that I'd have a hard time resisting swapping out the portrait in the frame on the desk. And you'd be right:

In other news, since Condi's safe at home, far from the blustery winds (both real and figurative) of Crawford Ranch, the Hairdo Status Alert System™ has been lowered back down to 'Guarded'.
EDIT: Aren't comment-spammers annoying? Two of 'em jumped on this entry within seconds of posting (they're deleted now). How do they do that?
UPDATE: I'm a little grouchy, because I discovered (thanks a lot, Sitemeter) that I'm the #1 MSN Search result for 'ugly purple princess'.
You are so naughty!
Heh, funny photoshop. Argh, how do you find out how people get to your blog? No one will tell me!
PS, that is kinda sad.
Sad that she spends so much time signing condolence books? Yes, that is very sad.
As for finding out who's visiting your blog, get thee to Sitemeter (link at the bottom of the page) and install their thingy. Another good way is to search your blog at technorati.
I found out the other day that my blog was the top search result for "gay elks" so don't feel so bad.
You've got a great blog. If I were you I wouldn't take the ugly purple princess thing to hard. At least you don't have to get rid of all the pink salt licks I had in my back yard.
I meant the ugly purple princess, etc. And thanks!
Dear Princess:
There's a great scary Photoshop of Condi as Ms. T at an interesting site called "The Dirt Files." Check it out.
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