Tuesday, August 16, 2005


This is a reminder to visit Shelf Space, the blog for grammar fussbudgets, because I found John Roberts' Achilles' heel: He likes to use big words (and Latin) to feel all important. No wonder GW loves him; he can't understand a word he's saying!


Peteykins said...

OMG, I'm totally not worthy.

David N. Scott said...

Grr... our Leadership and Management Professor likes to ask what 'envisioned' you. Presumably he means inspired, instead of what imagined you in its head.

Peteykins said...

Or how about "inspired", a special word which means exactly what he needs it to mean!

Please feel free to alert us Shelf-Spacers about any infractions you may stumble upon (even if it's me ending a sentence with a preposition. Ha! Dodged that bullet!).

David N. Scott said...

Well usually I write to my Congressperson, but I'll give it a chance.