Friday, April 08, 2005

Why Are These People Laughing?

Courtesy Wonkette, this screenshot is from this morning's ridiculous "What is a Journalist" panel at the National Press Club. I don't really want to get into a discussion of the whole tired event, but this picture depicts my favorite moment: Jeff Gannon (on the right, in case you haven't learned to recognise the famous sex worker), trying to defend himself, says, "I brought a visual aid," and then produces this pathetic piece of paper with a green map of the US. This was supposed to be, Jeff explained, a map of the red counties and blue counties, but his printer ran out of ink, so the map's all green. How sad, really, is that? It's embarrassing that Jeffy ran out of ink, but even more embarrassing that he must have produced this less-than-impressive "visual aid" at the last possible minute, as there was apparently no time left for him to dash to Kinko's to run off a copy, or to Staples to get more goddamn ink. I mean, really, Jeff! Part of being a real journalist, like being a boy scout, is to be prepared!

Also in the picture, openly laughing at the hapless erstwhile prostitute, are Wonkette and Matthew Yglesias. The 'event' will be re-run this evening at 8EST on CSPAN2.

And lastly, a personal message to John Stanton of Congress Daily: Will you marry me?

Edit: Thanks, again, to Wonkette for capturing this priceless moment:


Anonymous said...

I searched the web for pictures or articles of Mr. Stanton to see if he was worthy of your petite hoof in marriage. Alas, my lazy ass gave up after only finding blog enteries about, rather than by him.

-Pretty Princess Tori

Peteykins said...

Google is most unhelpful. My first reaction this morning while watching the panel was, "Forget Jeff Gannon, who the hell is THAT?"

MarkR said...

I still have that video with John Stanton. He's hot as hell. :P
