C'mon, kids! Don't let Jim/Jeff down! I think it's safe to say that he's checking his email every five seconds, looking for his invite. There's still time! You don't want to arrive at the prom without an... um... escort, do you?
Speaking of sad, Gannon was on Bill Maher's Real Time last night. I don't have cable, so I couldn't watch it. At AMERICAblog, though, people commented on it live as it was happening. Here are some of their comments:
Look at the camera nimrod!!So, anyway, you get the idea. Typical JimJeff appearance. Maher asked him if he was really a whore, and Gannon gave an evasive answer. Ho hum. Why do people keep asking him to admit something that would get him arrested? The wonderful people at Crooks and Liars have the whole thing for your viewing pleasure here.
WalterNeff | 04.29.05 - 11:50 pm
Jeff is blinking a lot. Looks nervous.
Uncle Mike | Homepage | 04.29.05 - 11:50 pm
What the hell is he looking at?
WalterNeff | 04.29.05 - 11:51 pm
when you blink a lot, you are lying.
Nancy Richardson | 04.29.05 - 11:51 pm
Ah, the Correspondent's Dinner...Guckert's upset about that.
amberglow | 04.30.05 - 12:18 am
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