At the end of the program, as a kind of maudlin sendoff, the two anchorclones cutely 'conversed' about how it was Band-Aid brand bandages 85th anniversary! And, OMG! They're also introducing a new kind of Band-Aid, coincidentally, at the same time. Brief anecdotes were told about the history of the product, including how the inventor was inspired to create a convenient new kind of bandage by his cloddish wife's frequent cooking mishaps. LOL!
Just as I thought yesterday morning, my first reaction was, "What press release did this come from?"
Well, that's easy enough to find out. Go to Johnson & Johnson's home page, and select "News > Press Releases" from the top menu. There, you'll find a press release about how it's Band-Aid brand bandages 85th anniversary! And, OMG! They're also introducing a new kind of Band-Aid, coincidentally, at the same time. Brief anecdotes are told about the history of the product, including how the inventor was inspired to create a convenient new kind of bandage by his cloddish wife's frequent cooking mishaps. LOL!
The date on the press release from Johnson and Johnson? Why, yesterday, of course, when it was presumably also faxed to the compliant, overworked "writers" of WUSA's cutting-edge news team.
I guess this is why people get cable.
If you lived in San Francisco, Princess Sparkle Pony, you'd be in a non-prancing state of apoplexy every day after confronting what passes for journalism here in our fair city.
With your example in mind, I actually wrote an email to Carolyn Blockhead (in reality Lochhead), one of the "Washington Bureau" editors who had written a fawning account of Bush's press conference which appeared in the newspaper this morning. My irritated screed follows:
"Dear Ms. Lochhead:
There was an interesting "homeless" meeting in San Francisco City Hall this week which I watched on San Francisco Government TV, and one of the more articulate speakers, Richard Marquez had this to say:
"Most importantly, homeless people know that a 40% reduction in the City’s homeless population is a complete bald-faced statistical manipulation and political spin doctoring from this administration. I'm tired of it. This is the next step in Mayor Newsom’s predictable career – can you say Senator Newsom? Call it out for what it is – Care Not Cash has failed. And just because you put sugar on shit doesn’t make it ice cream."
Anyway, your article on the Bush press conference was a stunning example of my new favorite phrase, "putting sugar on shit." Do you get paid extra for this service? Or do you actually believe the shit you are serving is really an ice cream sundae? I'm curious."
I'll be sure to let you know if I get a reply, Princess.
Wow, them's fighting words!
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