Friday, March 04, 2005

Imagine My Disappointment...

Boys and girls, as you might have noticed, I just can't get enough of Mr. Fun, Jeff Gannon. Today, there wasn't nearly enough news on him, and that made Princess Sparkle Pony very sad, so I thought I'd find what some of our Christian friends might have to say about it.

First, I checked out Agape Press, a news service which bills themselves as providing "reliable news from a Christian source." Now these people love, love, love to write about... um... hairdressers. Any time anything about hairdressers or hairdressing is in the news, they're on it like a duck on a june bug. Surely, these prayerful people would be all over a story about a hairdresser sneaking into the White House disguised as a journalist. But, alas:

I did notice, though, this great ad, featuring that funny blonde lady and her little friends:

I wonder if the funny blonde lady, or one of her funny friends, told the Agape Press that they shouldn't write about Mr. Fun? What a sad disappointment! But don't worry, kids, I'll try to find some other church people on the web this weekend. I'm sure I'll find all sorts of articles!

1 comment:

Esri Rose said...


My family always says, "Chicken on a june bug." So I Googled. Results:

"duck on a june bug" = 619
"duck on a junebug" = 725

"chicken on a june bug" = 472
"chicken on a junebug" = 280

So you win.

Although I must point out that june bugs are not aquatic, and so ducks shouldn't have as much access to them as chickens, who spend all their time on land.