Haw, ohhhhhh... today is going to be a bit awkward for poor Gay Aaron Schock™ because now a journalist from CBS News, rather than, you know, "Blogspot", is not-very-subtly alluding to the obvious gayness of Gay Aaron Schock™. This comes on the heels of a noticeable recent uptick in people coming to this blog to research the mystery and magic of Gay Aaron Schock™. And then there was the Paul Ryan/Gay Aaron Schock™ erotic fan fiction which I politely didn't mention. And when I say politely, I mean that it's not polite to talk while you're vomiting.
How much longer can Gay Aaron Schock™ keep up his hilariously unconvincing facade? I'm thinking not much longer. This could get interesting!
UPDATE: All the traffic to this blog right now –and there's plenty of it– is Gay Aaron Schock™ related. Drip, drip, drip...
Evidently Aaron's now running scared, and has, for instance, locked his Very Gay Instagram account.
New to this blog? Click here for more fun with Gay Aaron Schock™!
Yay! Drama!
And, if we're lucky, more risible outfits.
Oh that photo with Mitt and Ann Romney is just so special.
And let's not overlook Aaron's obsession with espadrilles...because, after all, they're lighter than loafers.
Wow, "real" journalists are finally catching up to PSP YEARS after the fact. I smell a Pulitzer! Congratulations.
I yawned because this was beyond yesterday's news to me, thanks to you.
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