“This is one of my wackier ideas but — run for office,” Hinckley told the audience in the 2009 speech, video of which was obtained by WPRI. “I have some great stories about friends that have done this. And even if you lose, running for office, you actually win, because you get tons of free PR.”
And it's funny because I was just thinking of that exact concept yesterday when contemplating this:

Clearly this young woman has no intention whatsoever of actually becoming a senator (Eww! Boring!). I would bet any amount that this is a blatant ploy to get noticed by reality TV casting agents... and I'm certain it will work.
I saw that site yesterday and had about the same doubts regarding her serious dedication to winning office. Still... I sat there mesmerized by the slideshow of glamour shot photos, amazed by the heavy handed, yet deft application of layers upon layers of pancake makeup.
it's NOT Kim K?
Do not miss THE ISSUES page. Mindy already has the show title ready to go.
Does that young woman have a problem with her neck? In every photos she's got her cute li'l head cocked to the side.
Is this the beginning of the GaGa Party? Anti abortion pro death penalty Diva!
Does that young woman have a problem with her neck? In every photos she's got her cute li'l head cocked to the side.
Her little neck muscles are still developing.
Senator Mindy! or not!
It's a damn shame Mindy is such a long shot, because she could be a great addition to this blog. I wouldn't put her at the level of Condi or Ursula or even Cindy or Callista, but she could be at least as much fun as Orly Taitz or Jan Brewer.
I did some googling and she's just too precious for words. On a morning show interview she was asked about the policies of Andrew Cuomo (you know, the current governor of the state). Her response: "I'm not familiar with him in particular, his issues and, you know, and everything about him."
Couldn't you just pee yourself to death hearing that?
OMG!OMG!OMG! I just found my absolute favoritest Mindy Meyer quote ever in the NY Post!
"Sarah Palin is not one of my role models. She's just so oblivious to the issues."
OMG! Like totally oblivious! Now I really can pee myself to death. Say what you will about the Post, but they really know how to be bitchy in all the best ways.
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