Republican presidential candidate former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista greet supporters at his primary night election rally on Tuesday, March 13, 2012, in Birmingham, Ala. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
Newt's new logo is a radioactive gas dispenser, which seems all too appropriate. According to the Daily Tina Brown, his strategy is simply to stay in the race to annoy Mitt Romney, which makes all kinds of sense. So he's going to stay in this thing as long as Sheldon Adelson enjoys shoveling millions and millions of dollars into a bottomless pit clearly marked "lost cause" in flashing neon letters. Aren't zillionaires funny? Five million... ten million... fifteen million... twenty million... whatever! Just throw it away! It's fun! It's a stimulus package!
The important thing, however, is how is Callista's Platinum Space Helmet holding up? Magnificently:

No roots on that girl!
Hair critique: I don't think I like the new pert wave of the swept back bit. It seems frivolous. bring back the more subtle, severe even? look.
If that hairdo isn't severe enough for you, you may have lost perspective.
I love the angling of the swirls... oh, one heading to the ear, one tenderly cupping her chin.
And that awful logo... Newt's got gas, baby!
I've wasted minutes of my life gazing at Callista Gingrich's hair and actively LOOKING for articles about The Hair. "You may have lost perspective" is an understatement.
Exactly how does the government repeal the laws of supply and demand? I'm sure Newt has some clever plan, though I'm just as sure that thinking about his clever plan for five minutes will show that it won't work.
And as for the prop people in the background, I just want to say in all sincerity... diverse! You don't see that much in the GOP right now, most of them aren't even trying.
I think Romney may actually be paying him off, too. As long as Newt's in the race, Santorum will be splitting the crazy vote with him, so in the long run, it's better for Mitt (strange as that may seem).
No matter the reason, we still get Callista pics! Maybe the goal is to hang on to the Wisconsin primary, so Callista can experience a homecoming!
Why is it that, when you zoom in on her face, she always looks like she wants to chomp on something?
Why do I have to be bald? I could look like Callista ...
I agree with Anonymous. Romney has probably promised Nootie a (GURK!) Cabinet position. Which would mean Callista would get to be queen of... what? The Department of Energy? Then they could recycle that awful logo.
Of course, they have to win first.
Is 250 his final delegate count? ;)
She's luminous! Callista got he groove back.
I think there's something to the fact that now he's doing worse, she's looking better, but when he gained momentum, she started to wilt.
I don't know if our Callie-Lou would survive an actual first ladysip.
It's true, it's a stimulus package for the tv commercial and button-and-t-shirt industry! And banner makers, too!
Isn't it cool how his tie and her jacket go so well with the glowing gas pump? "Gas Pump"! Millions of dollars! I am officially overwhelmed.
It sure seems to me that the circular log is a reference to her signature circular hairdo. Subtle but I think it works...
Ha: the circular logo--that's what I meant...
$250 a gallon?
Forget the hair, I love her eyes!
Put your hand over her mouth and see what I mean. The eyes are glazed over and almost evil!
I'm no mind-reader, but something tells me she's damn sick and tired of standing next to that hideous troll husband of hers.
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