(Image via)
My favorite thing right now is Mary Elizabeth Williams' rumination at Salon about how weird it is that Callista is only 45, but seems to have completely missed out on being part of her own generation.Williams helpfully points out that goddess Callista is the same age as, for instance, Liz Phair, haw. Indeed, Mrs. (NOT "Ms.") Gingrich does seem to be the Generation Xer least likely to have read a book by Douglas Coupland.
Are you on the Callista bandwagon yet? Hop on! And click on the topic tag below for more fun.
The only problem is that there isn't nearly enough new daily Callistaproduct to fill my needs. Hopefully that will change now with her new higher profile.
Thanks much for the linky love, Peter! She's a trip. And yeah, she's two years YOUNGER than I am -- what is up with that? I blame the Pope.
"I am 16 going on 55. I'll take care of you."
This morning's brain virus is, "Ay, Callista!/Of the spherical hairdo..." sung to the tune of John Denver's "Calypso."
I wonder how many hours she has to spend on her hair daily to get that scary power-helmet 'do in place. And if she'd only leave off the even scarier eye liner she wouldn't look so freaky. Then again, she's married to a freak...
The picture of their two heads overlayed like that is so spherical, so geometrical, it's like looking at a Venn diagram or lunar eclipse.
Here's the deal with the hairdo. My mother had the same 'do in 1966, and she went to the hairdresser (then, a "beauty parlor") just once a week for shampoo, roller set, teasing and spraying. At night, all Calista has to do is wrap her head in toilet tissue and sleep on a satin pillowcase and voila! With just a little remedial teasing, Monday's hairdo becomes Tuesday's hairdo.
Holy toledo, she's only five years older than I am??? I couldn't look that matronly if I tried.
I guess she feels that it's better for appearances if she "matches" her husband. Why can't Newt buy a bottle of Just For Men and meet her halfway?
Peteykins, you were talking about a "don't be mean to Callista" rule a while back, but EVERYBODY is saying two obvious things.
1. Fantastic hairdo! (Not mean.)
2. 45? Not 54? (Kinda mean.)
During the 2008 campaign, the cameras were in love with the wives of Fred Thompson and Dennis Kucinich even those neither of those guys was going to finish higher than fourth in any primary. Maybe some editor who has a serious Barbara Billingsley fetish will force someone to cover Callista in the same way.
45? Really? Younger than Sarah Palin?
Ok, is it me or is her left eye just a little bit bigger than her right eye? She suddenly reminds me of this guy http://www.swagdog.com/p-788-natty-boh-3-refrigerator-magnet.aspx
Wow! I had no idea she graduated from high school and college the same years as me. Her appearance and style is so matronly.
She is a walking fashion Callistrophe
Oh, PSP, this is why it's so good to have you back. These awful right wingers never truly go away, do they?
Even your ex-boyfriend Wonkette got on the Callista wagon yesterday, PSP!
Lady Wesley, I sort of miss hearing people call them "beauty parlors." So much more Madison Ave!
According to what I just made up, Callista came out of the womb in a fully-formed wool pantsuit & low-rise bouffant, and hasn't aged a day since. It's rumored that some mad Republican intelligent designer (cos you know, they don't have scientists) mixed up Pat Nixon's DNA with the tiniest smidge of Emma Peel and a quart of Clorox.
*hoping that the "don't be mean" Cindy McCain rule doesn't extend to Mrs. Gingrivitis).
We just checked out the fake diary, and it's great (although we must say that tone-wise, it does owe a lot to PSP). An A-plus-plus for the "static sock cling" photo. Well done, o creative blogger, well done!
Drew, I like your way of thinking except for one thing: it's impossible to imagine Callista in slacks. I just don't think she'd wear a pantsuit.
Someone must have developed a callista gif by now... off to search.
Welcome to the public sphere? Her 'do IS the Public Sphere!
Ballista for Callista!
Caligula for Callista!
One More: Low-cal diets for Callista!
OMG, that skin. She may be 45 but not only did she miss her entire generation, but she missed skin care 101 as well. I know, I am not supposed to pick on her, but at 9 years her senior, I think I have better skin. And mine is not that great.
We've reached a wonderful point where "Callista Gingrich" is listed above "Callista Flockhart" on Google searches. She's now more sought-after than Mrs. Harrison Ford.
P.S. Did you see some older pictures when she had more of a Condi-do, with the flip?
There's a few other pictures where it seems like she's still "finding her voice*" before she settled into the glorious, englobed, laquered hairchetecture we see today.
(* Ordinarily a terrible cliche/metaphor, but if hair could talk, hers would sing.)
Here's a question that is probably WAY out of bounds but needs to be asked: The devout Catholic married Mr. G in 2000, at the age of 34. Where are the babies? Or is there a chance that the G's practice "birth control for me but not for thee"?
Her facial expression says it all... which isn't much.
Like I commented before Blogspot blew up, it blows my mind that she's roughly the same age as me. She looks to Emily Gilmore/Ladies Who Lunch. I sure as heck don't feel that old.
So, is she a blood relation of the Burns of Springfield? She could pass as young Montgomery's sister!
OMG. Callista has totally flattened out my lesbian urges.
I think she may be the cure!
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