Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Junk Drawer: More Stencils For Cheerful Property Destruction

Click for bigger!

I told you on Monday about my stenciling adventures in San Diego in the 1980s (I heart you, statute of limitations). Here are two more. I've never been particularly fond of the Flintstones, but I've always loved Wilma's fabulous hairdo, so there you go. Here's a far better female cartoon role model:

That green paint must have been on sale.


Anonymous said...

I have an old kitchen garbage can in my garage that I now use to store scrap wood that was spray painted with that exact same Wilma stencil. Now that I think about it, that thing is like 25 years old.


~A-Dog Al

P.S. I have been loving you blog for a while.

Peteykins said...

Al! You should email me!

Shawn said...

I wish you were still here around San Diego. I loved the random stencils we used to see about the San Diego streets in the 90's. Hardly ever see one around any more.
BTW I have always thought you are Fabulous, even more so now that I know where those stencils were coming from. Not the same in SD since you left I guess, but now your blog brightens my day.