Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, holds back a flag that was blowing onto her during the 9th Annual John W. Rice Diversity and Equity Awards ceremonies in Sacramento, Calif., Monday, July 13, 2009. The award is named in honor of Rice's late father, Dr. John W. Rice who was a former member of the California Community Colleges Board of Governor's. It is awarded annually to the individuals or programs that demonstrate outstanding contributions toward achieving diversity and equity within the community colleges. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)
This is the saddest photo ever. Once, during Condi's reign at Foggy Bottom, it was a magical time, an era when the art of the holy Matching Armchairs Photo-Op flowered like a rare orchid under her watchful guidance. And now? Now, Condi?
Bendy legs and blowy flags, it truly is mourning in America.
Basically, this mediocre person was never taught to sit properly. At least the not quite equally dreadful Nanci Pelosi can (sit properly).
Don't want any of that American crap on ME...
Well, they may not be matching armchairs but they are matching chairs...
And it may not be a vase of exquisite flowers, but it is a realistic looking plant...
And her shoes do look like she wore out the toes, but I bet they were expensive when she bought them in 2000...
But one thing has remained the same--she still sits like she wants us to get a gander at her old maid naughty bits.
It's like a photo-op with a flag as her opposite, a flag that clearly doesn't understand the concept of personal space.
I'm sure there's a couple metaphors in there I could run with, and if I was a skilled writer like Richard Cohen, this picture could be worth an entire column.
But I've said enough already.
Gone are the days, those halcyon days, when Little Robert Gates or Hadley would've beaten that flag into submission. And then gotten Condi a skinny carmel macchiatto (2 shots of espresso) from Starbucks.
Has Condi had dental work done on her two top front teeth?
She used to have a cute gap between her two front upper slightly-buck teeth. Now her top front teeth look, well, normal.
Either that or someone has photoshopped the photo? (Which I doubt because the photo is from the Sacramento Bee, not Freaking News)
Full story - Condoleezza Rice vists Sacramento, bestows awards. (New smile? Photo question)
Rice for President Yahoo Group
Wow, she waited until AFTER she slid into obscurity to get those teeth fixed?
Makes me wonder if she's also hired someone to help her improve her sourpuss personality as well.
Is there such a thing as legs akimbo?
I was disappointed that you haven't yet commented on the recent photos of Condi in a red silk dress, a real girly party dress, waving at the paparazzi as she walked to her waiting limo. I think TMZ aired this footage earlier this week.
Condi is a very hot beautiful sweet angel.Ich would like to be kissing her bare smooth silky legs and soles Condis!
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