US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton(R) and British Foreign Secretary David Miliband shake hands after speaking to the press at the State Department in Washington. Clinton said Tuesday the US-British special relationship "really stands the test of time." (AFP/Nicholas Kamm)
I always suspected that David Miliband wasn't quite as taken with America's Princess Diplomat as his predecessor, erstwhile Condidate Jack Straw. Miliband would never say, "Whew! Glad she's gone!" but that was clearly the subtext when he met with Hillary yesterday and gushed just a teensy bit too much. From Al Kamen:
Yesterday, the current holders of those positions, Hillary Rodham Clinton and David Miliband, met and then chatted with reporters.
"Madam Secretary," Miliband said, "on a personal note, I hope you know the admiration and respect with which you are held in the United Kingdom. The record of public service and achievement that you have built up is a unique résumé to bring to the task of . . . being America's chief diplomat.
"For many years, you have not just been an ambassador of America; you've been an ambassador for America and everything good that it stands for in the world. And I look forward to working very, very closely with you in the months and years ahead to make sure that our shared aspirations for a safer, more secure, more just planet are delivered."
Even Clinton seemed taken aback.
Haw! Get used to it, Hils!
Also! I've been watching, and although Secretary Clinton has done several "dueling podiums" photo-ops, she has yet to hit Condi's beloved State Department matching armchairs. Are they getting reupholstered? Sterilized?
Sounds to me like Hillary may have a few chances to even the score with Slick Willy in terms of...um... foreign affairs.
You are absolutely right, Princess. Diplomats are like... diplomatic and stuff. They usually don't rip colleagues in public, unless they are anti-diplomats like John Bolton, but when you read praise like this, you have a moment to think, "Hmmm. Is there someone here who is not getting praised? Is there someone who wasn't doing the job of being ambassador for America and all the good it stands for? Let me think for a second. Oh, yeah, the other lady! That one before you, what was her name again?"
i wonder if millibrand is not amused
or maybe he threw a shoe at condi
" . . . reupholstered? Sterilized?" Exorcised would be more like it.
Does PotteryBarn do armchairs?
I second Karen Zip's comment--them's some hot eyes he's giving her. Go Hillary!
Wow, Hillary! What a sweet deal you've scored! The real test will occur when she goes to the Middle East--will they strain the seeds out of the strawberry juice? Will they provide half-naked escorts? Will they take her on a boat ride, knowing it will mess up her 'do?
We shall see....
Shorter Miliband: "Thank god you're not that bloody Condoleezza Rice!"
And I assume that the matching armchairs are being burned in a bonfire, attended by clergy of seventeen different religious groups (including the Shakers, Moonies, and Snake Handlers), and the earth salted over the ashes.
Or not. We may see them yet, with naught but a spritz of Febreeze to mark the passing of the Buttocks of Diplomatic Failures Past.
There was me thinking the Milibar Kid was speaking from behind a mask!
Hillary is a breath of fresh air compared to the Condi, the Demon Spawn. We should have known Ms. Rice was evil from her hooves and odd-shaped tail.
As for her matching armchairs, I'd say burn 'em...but the State Dept. had to make them fireproof in order for Condi to sit in them. Just put them on Ebay.
"Ladies" & "Gentlemen":
Mme. Condi is gone now. Flogging her will do no more good than beating an already expired horse. You have a new fish to fry and as predicted, you are reluctant to do so. However, I hope you'll be fairer and less acerbic and vulgar to Mme Clinton than you were to her predecessor which I expect you will be until she provokes a hissy fit over one thing or another.
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