Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speaks to reporters as she released the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief 2009 Annual Report to Congress, Monday, Jan. 12, 2009, at the State Department in Washington. (AP Photo/Lauren Victoria Burke)
OK, so the above is a typical "legacy tour" photo-op for Condi: LOOK! AIDS RELIEF! YOU KNOW, FOR KIDS!
But the most embarrassing thing for Dr. Ferragamo ever was revealed today. Bush sent Condi to the UN, where she burned the midnight oil to craft a Gaza ceasefire resolution. This is interesting, because this is one of the few times that anything resembling "effort" or "work" is mentioned in conjunction with America's Princess Diplomat.
But anyway! So, OK, Condi does all this work to put together the resolution, and then Olmert is all, totally, nuh-uh, do not want, etc. So he calls George Bush and says, you know, ixnay on the esolutionray, and Bush is all, OMG, and calls Condi and tells her she has to abstain from voting on the resolution. And so, humiliated, she sits on her hands during the vote and everybody is all, like, OMG, WTF, Condi didn't vote on her own resolution! The resolution she helped write. Because Bush sent her there to help write it. And then told her not to vote on it. Oh, snap!
Seriously, Condi, it's only, what, like two or three more working days? You can make it.
I can only hope that she's dumped her 'husband' by now.
He can damn well go back to Whatserface.
It is like she was in the mud and he dragged her through it one last time.
And willingly she went!
Isn't that much-vaunted AIDS relief to abstinence-only programs that don't apply too much to the prostitute population?
Oh, and isn't some of it funneled through that weird minister SSempa dude (a friend of Rick Warren's) who likes to publicly burn condoms? Just asking.
Great job Condi and Shrub!!! Sad to see you go.
Dubya does indeed have idiosyncratic ways of expressing his love for his non-mistress ...
She could have voted on it, then dodged him for a few days, then just tell him she forgot.
Surely he could forgive that excuse.
I mean, come on, he forgot to be a good president...
Is it me, or does she have that "just woke up and remembered I had a presser" look? Must've been all that midnight-oil-burning. I guess.
Wow, hair by Gusty LaBruja.
What a sad, but completely consistent, coda.
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