US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (R) and Georgian Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze shake hands after signing a bilateral cooperation agreement at the State Department in Washington. The United States and Georgia signed a strategic partnership accord here Friday in a reaffirmation of US support for Georgia's sovereignty after its war with Russia in August. (AFP/Nicholas Kamm)
Haw! Even by Condi's standards, this is an impressively meaningless accord, coming as it does at the very end of an administration about to be systematically dismantled. But I'm sure she had a lovely chat* with Grigol, and the photo-op turned out nice. They also did a little dueling podium action:

Aw. Part of me is going to miss having Condi at Foggy Bottom, but most of me feels that by now I've seen her complete repertoire. What's sad is that her raw ability to do something surprising or entertaining right this very moment is at an all-time high, but the likelihood of such happening is at an all-time low. Do you know what I mean? Like, she could just totally blow our minds with little or no effort! Like, she could just suddenly say fuck on network television and suddenly become hilarious and entertaining again. But, of course, these behavior types are not programmed into the Condibot's algorithms. You know how during the election people (including me) kept saying, hilariously, Let Sarah be Sarah? This is like totally the opposite of that: Let Condi be... Somebody Else! Anybody Else!
*You can read their podiumspeak here. You kinda get the feeling that this is Condi saying, "Sorry, you aren't getting into NATO, but here's a lovely parting gift."
Is it just me, or is her hair a little less helmety than usual? It's not much, but it's something to cling to...
I was going to note the same thing. The hair is looking well, a little wild. That's something for Teh Condi, isn't it?
Well "fuck" on nat'l teevee would be funneh. Or telling Saracuda to shut up and go way. Oo, Condibot totally blowing a fuse - that would be kewl.
Come on Condi, you only have days left, don't let us down! Lose it! Go all Kanye West or Michael Richards or somethin' Entertain the unwashed masses. That would rule.
Awww. You're too hard on her, most esteemed Princess. She looks cute in that second photo! I am so OK with not getting asked to join NATO; she could totally bring _me_ a gift!
The hair is definitely a little balloon-y... that's probably as far-out as she's going to get.
I'd love it if she'd flash Dubya at their farewell event. Or tell Cheney to fuck himself.
But you're right about the 'bot's algorithms... ain't gonna happen.
Whatever fun Condi has given us has come through you, darlin' PSP.
See, I think the choppy bangs are kind of daring, and cute.
If only there were some way to short circuit the bot...
Can you imagine this mindless Bush-brown-nosing automaton will soon be "instructing" the young? Gimme a break. If the US had it bad for eight years with her "at the helm" with Dubya, just think what Stanford will now have to put it with. Pity the poor students, who already pay far too outrageous fees to be "educated."
That hair is one blond highlight away from being a Tina Turner wig!
Please, Princess, give us one going away spike on the CHAS™!
Without her knowledge, Condi's hair began to twirl itself into what it had secretly always aspired to:
You have been unbelievably cruel to the outgoing Secretary of State.
Whom are you going to roast now? Assuredly not Mme. Clinton as she is not fair game, being in the preferred political party.
So, it's possible that Princess Sparkle Pony and her cynical entourage will just fade away. We can be thankful for small favors.
She's got bangs!
And she's talking to Andy Sipowitz.
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