Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin looks around her office filled with balloons and welcome home banners after she arrived at her office in Anchorage, Alaska on Friday Nov. 7, 2008, for the first time since she began campaigning as Sen. John McCain's vice presidential running mate. (AP Photo/Al Grillo)
UPDATE: They also splurged on one (1) gerber daisy:

Wow, her staff went ALL OUT for her!
Why blue an' yeller?
Sorta sad, really... you're supposed to fill up that office--make it impassable.
Tacky and half hearted, looks like...
Why were all those balloons blue? I would think they wouldn't want to remind her that most Governor's offices were held by folks who turn their states that color on political maps...
Maybe they're trying to tell CB something?
This is the best Palin photo I've seen:
That furniture was so Levitz.. ugh..
I will miss MsEvitaPeron of the nook. The planning a return in triumph will be interesting to watch, you bet'cha.
It looks like she is still wearing her vice presidential candidate clothes.
What do you say, footwear sleuths, aren't those the RNC boots that were to be "given to charity"? I don't think they sell that style at the Wasilla Wal-Mart. And I am pretty sure the blue-n-yella is for the Alaska state flag. Perhaps a gentle -- "Uh, what did we hire you for again, bee-otch?" from her neglected subjects?
thank you. i saw this on a general news site and was disappointed that they missed the free-for-the-taking interpretation. also, the shot includes a trash basket, which is sort of a coda to the deflating balloons. as for the colors, well, they meant well but they failed.
Yea Sarah.... next time you might think twice about gettin' up before a national audience and dissing community organizers.
Obama had better appoint a special team to keep an eye on her before she wipes out species & delves into drill madness.
Okay Sarah, now count all the big blue balls in yr office. Is the number of big blue balls equal to:
a) the number of states you won for John McCain?
b) the number of counties in the nation of Africa?
c) the number of days before 90% of your rabidly loving supporters forget that you ever mattered to them?
d) The number of cartoon strips in the daily edition of the New York Times?
e) The number of days till you get a chance to appoint yourself to Ted Stevens' Senate seat?
Think hard Sarah, this will count toward your grade!
Actually, they didn't realize helium was necessary to make balloons float.
In my office there are two garbage cans. Can we add to the list of Sarah sins that she doesn't recycle?
Quelle surprise, mais oui?
Not counting the hidden ones, I counted two dozen flaccid balloons.
Pretty skimpy.
And look at her, looking over at the loveseat draped with the skinned bear corpse.
After her whirlwind hillbilly tour of every 5star hotel in America, I imagine that cornpone decor is looking mightly dismal by now.
The party's over, baby.
e) She can't fill that seat by appointment; if Ted hangs on (Nate Silver thinks he may lose after all the early and absentee ballots are counted), and the Senate expels him, they'll hold a special election. Lots of people think she'd win that, if she ran; Alaskans are retarded.
The Gerber daisy is adorable.
Just looking at it, she's got to think.
1. Look at the bright side!
2. Just like me, the daisy is bright and pretty and upbeat!
3. My staff is incredibly cheap. I was eating caviar just one week ago. Caviar!
She can still have caviar, she'll just have to dig it out of a salmon with her very own jack knife.
That Gerber daisy means that her staffer was standing in front of the refrigerated floral case at Fred Meyer and decided she wasn't worth splurging a whole $10 on to get one of those plastic wrapped bouquets.
Wow, looking at that outpouring of display, it's as if I'm inside the mind of her chief admin:
"Fill this up? Hell no, we'll just have to clean it up afterward. That's enough balloons. Get that flower from Mrs. Roberts' desk in the mailroom. She's got a green house, she can bring in more."
I think I can see the top of the Kremlin building from there....
Is that a pic of baby Tic there in the second photo, to the left?
She can still have caviar
Karen, you forgot mention that she shot the salmon from a helicopter! :-)
Heh, will Palin have to pick them up herself?
Were the blue balloons some sort of subtle dig? Or did Ted Stevens get all of the red ones?
Blue space turds!
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