Mr. Garcia took the widely published picture of Ms. Todd with her injuries. He said he took several photographs with a digital camera to document what had happened. He said he only gave copies of the photos to police and Ms. Todd's employer, the College Republicans. One photo appeared on The Drudge Report on Thursday, setting off a storm of media attention.
The McCain campaign is denying any knowledge of anything, but, gosh, John and Sarah sure got her phone number fast!
Could you use your photoshop skills to fix the "red-eye"? It's distracting from the rest of the picture.
Or did you try and fail?
LOL, Al, I added the redeye!
Maybe you could add the Cindy blue eyes as well?
Someone on another blog noted that Ms. Todd is not a volunteer, but a paid worker who got a few thousand dollars. This part of the main article seems to corroborate that:
Ms. Todd's job as a field representative for the College Republican National Committee brought her to Pittsburgh about two weeks ago to recruit college students. She had worked for the committee since August. Yesterday, the organization fired her.
Can we find more details? And maybe people will start showing up at CR recruiting tables with a backwards "B" on their cheeks?
I loved the red eye.
I'm surprised that no one has investigated the possibility that her make-believe assailant was none other than Bunny Wigglesworth.
/today's winning word verification: fuskyr
Matt the Drudger is just another working guy, looking for the better life that McCain/Palin will give him...
I still say she was attacked by a dislexic scary black man!!! Have the cops even checked their files for someone like that?!?
The linked article is interesting - she's done stuff like this before.
About a month earlier, he said, Ms. Todd sent an e-mail to the Ron Paul group saying her tires were slashed and that campaign paraphernalia had been stolen from her car because she supported Mr. Paul.
Too good:
Assistant Chief Bryant said. "And, first of all, with our local robbers, they take the money [and flee]. They're in and out. They're not stopping to do artwork."
I guess she's too young to remember Morton Downey Jr's backwards swastika attack by neo-Nazis.
PSP, that article's a good catch; I'd been wondering about some of the ordering of events for a while.
The CR's probably just passed the info up the chain of command, and somewhere along the way someone yelled, "Goody!"
I read that the guy who took the picture gave copies to the police and the Repugnicans for whom she was working.
Um, Lulu, I'm guessing you read it in the post you just commented upon.
Isn't this how Kute Karl Rove got started?
At least someone offered his condolences to McCain for a missed election game changer.
Hey--go easy on Lulu.
I've known her in real life for more than 30 years and she's smarter than BOTH of us.
That's a heckuva nice shiner.
Is it just me, or does she look like one of Sarah's kids? Perhaps the long-lost daughter, Kickball?
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