Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin signs autograph at a rally in front of Ross County Courthouse Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2008, in Chillicothe, Ohio. (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)
Does anybody really believe that reg'lar folks just happened to show up at the Palin hootenanny wearing "Clean Coal" caps? A cursory examination of other shots from the rally seems to reveal a curiously high number of brand-new-looking white baseball caps. Here's a few more:

So to whomever the genius coal industry rep was who had the bright idea to pass out hats at the rally: well done. Let's keep an eye open for more of these, shall we?
Oh, please don't be so cynical, Princess. Why everyone knows that Ohio is synonymous with coal.
Maryland may be about crabs, Florida about sunshine and Minnesota about lakes, but when I think Ohio, I think coal.
Uh huh. Coal.
I was at the gym and saw part of Sarah's speech. It kept me going on the treadmill, anger does that.
As for Clean Coal caps, oh they are so all the rage. Selling them at Saks Fifth Avenue for $400 each!
Ooh, autograph sessions!!! That's the way to get Palin to sign a copy of her porn movie--while she thinks she's signing something else!
word verfication: zonvo
They just ran out of the "Free Hat Limit 1" hats.
Uh...you should think coal when you think Ohio. We're right next door to West Virgina, ya know. There are more old coal mines in Ohio than the Department of Transportation knows about. That's why it isn't all that uncommon to have roads collapse because they put it over an old forgotten mine. Even Interstate 70 collapses from time to time.
Let's play spot the non-white people!
I think I see two, both near the left edge of the picture. Can anybody find more?
I stand corrected.
When I think Ohio, I generally think of buckeyes and rigged voting machines.
However, if Ohio goes with McCain, I hope you get coal mines on every block.
Matty Boy's game is hard! I think there are three, Matty--look a little farther down the photo (toward Sarah); isn't that a big non-whitey?
And by all means, people, clean up that coal! Clean coal!
I can only see one brown person!
I think I see three on the left edge. Are they photoshopped in?
There seem to be two African American males almost side by side next to the blue sign being held sideways. And maybe a brown person a little in front of them by the edge.
But I'm sure there are at least ten being hidden by each of the five arrows.
Oh, and in the upper photo there's an African American man in a necktie? Secret Service detail?
Okay, I think dguzman and tireiron chef spotted three, two side by side and another maybe two rows in from of them on the left side of the picture. Also, right above the red and white pom-pom in the lower left, someone is holding a digital camera in front of his or her face and looks a few shades darker than most, though that might just be shadows, as the hand holding the camera doesn't look that dark.
You're right, dg, this game is hard.
Looking for non-whites made my head hurt - but I think I spied the First Dude right up front, next to a 40-year-old cheerleader replete with pompoms.
Hmmm, I wonder how that "Clean Coal" plug plays in Anchorage.
Republicans like saying "war" so why don't they have a "War of the Fossil Fuels!"
Oh, wait, that's our Mideast Policy. Damn.
I think that's a white guy in an afro wig - were they handing those out too? - on the lower right, with an orange arrow helpfully pointing right at him.
Noting for myself that in a sense Sarah Palin *is* "Fossil Fuel"...
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