You'd think that with the election so close, I'd be more interested than ever in remaining an East Coast Elitist™. You'd be wrong! I'm heading out this morning to visit the family in sunny (yes!) Tucson in pink state (LOL) Arizona. I'll be back on Tuesday to cast my ballot. I should be able to do some blogging-lite while I'm gone, but don't expect the heavy posting I've spoiled (?) you with over the past month. But who knows? Maybe I'll meet Cindy! God, I wish I had my "Cindy is my homegirl" t-shirt.
Have a safe journey, Princess. If you are heading to the ancestral manse, say hey to Sparklemom from all the Pony Pals.
Arizona was dark red, like a Sarah Palin jacket, but I'm guessing it turned pink in honor of your visit.
Arizona is now pink?
Bon voyage, Pony.
All my best to the Sparklemom, Princess, and have a wonderful trip.
Perhaps if you meet Cindy, you could just present her with whatever shirt you're wearing at the time, and she'll write "I'm your homegirl" on it and then leave a lips-print!
Ah, if only Cindy could GO home. She's stuck out with crankyhub on the campaign trail till the 4th.
Poor Cindy.
Safe journey, dear Pony.
Hi Princess SP!
You've just reminded me I should get out and early vote today, but having trouble getting out of my jammies.
But the evil Palin-ator must be stopped...
Have a great trip, Princess! Increase the pinkness of Arizona!
Have a great trip...and if you run into Condi, give her the best from your admirers!
Hey, Princess! Enjoy the sunny LSD! If by some chance you get to see any of the old home peeps, remember me to 'em (I'm picturing Sam/Lenny & smiling & waving!)
Welcome home! Your fans in TUC await! Will you be holding a public appearance in "The Baked Apple?"
My (infrequently updated) blog: jorgespellvin.blogspot.com
Would love to buy you a cup of coffee while you're here.
Sr. Brad (aka: Jorge Spellvin)
Take me with you!!! Mr. Intangiblearts and I lived there for almost 8 years, and BOY do I miss it!!
Enjoy those robocalls!
O Sparkly One, tell the black beans & rice at Maya Quetzal I miss 'em...
Happy to see Taco-lopolis hitting the PSP Main Stage.
Just got word we may get an Obama appearance here in AZ... hope he comes south and not just to PHX.
Maya Quetzal, yes... and Epic Cafe.
Dia de Los Muertos Parade on 4th Ave is Sunday the 9th. Come home for the fun, folks.
IntangebleArts, Maya Quetzal in today's AZ Daily Star-
Thanks sr.brad;
Good to see it's still there (although another favorite: El Meson on Congress had already vanished before I left. It's been a while) -- Tucson was losing a bit of its funk to strip-mall invasion by 1999ish, but it's still a groovy town. Made more so by the occasional Sparkle Pony blessing, no doubt...
I'm sorry but my only connection to Arizona is "Alice" and Steve Martin's King Tut routine.
Enjoy your time with the 'rents PSP. It's nice to see them.
Tucson Arizona! My Home.
Stop by Rocket Gallery on Congress st. this Saturday 6-10pm for an art opening. It will be like a high school reunion without all the people who tormented you. Seriously.
I'd love to see you again.
Hmmm... maybe. Do I know you?
Also, wait a minute, nobody "tormented" me in high school!
You do Know me! I'd just email you directly but I can't find your address on your blog, which is fabulous, so I am resorting to the comments section. My email is mykl(at)gogojojo.com and if you write the mystery can be solved. Or you could just come to the opening and be surprised.
Happy trip, Mme la princesse. Paint the state blue.
Thanks for pointing us in the direction of Margaret and Helen before you left. That blog just might tide me over while you are away.
the office is empty but for me, you're not here with Halloween-appropriate tunes and there is -- clearly -- zero entertaining conversation. sigh.
Hope you're having a lovely visit, tell the SparkleParents hi from me!
In the hopes that it doesn't violate the rule against saying anything bad about Cindy, this cracked me up:
A Vote For My Husband Is A Vote For Me Not Breaking Your Fucking Neck
As a current resident of Tucson...welcome. :) Tucson is one of the main reasons Arizona is pink! Yay!
are you gonna take the McCain tour (like the SOund of mUsic tour)?
I keep coming back here, even though I know you're out of town.
Miss you, Pony!
I'm so sorry I missed you here in Tucson. My good friend Joe emailed you and gave you good greetings.
We hope that we can narrow the vote here in AZ enough to at least make it close for Senator John. Rest assured that my own efforts have been motivated, in part, by what I've read and seen here, on your blog.
Sparklepony for Secretary of Political Fashion!
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