Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., left, hugs his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, as he deplanes in North Canton, Ohio, Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2008. At right Cindy McCain hugs Todd Palin. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
I'm not as enamored with Todd Palin as some Pony Pals™; too fratty/normal for my tastes. However, I'll readily admit that Cindy's getting the better deal in this innovative new stunt.
Let this be a useful reminder that the Hustler Sarah Palin porno could have been much, much worse.
My BFF and I have coined a new term for those objectionable enough to repulse you - but definitely (as Whoopi Goldberg used to say) with a face you'd want to see over yours, ready to (rhymes with plum).
Like Todd Palin.
Snuff film.
See, Wonkette still loves you too.
Who doesn't love the Princess?
Also, this in the interest of Bipartisanship....
Wait, I could give a fuck less about bipartisanship. Sorry. Just 'cause.
WTF is Cindy wearing? Is that a leather skirt over dark hose with a hot pink jacket in broad daylight? Good lord with all her dough, still no taste. And look how she turns her head so far, he'll be kissing her ear not her cheek. Maybe he's try to get some tongue action before.
I believe that's a Prada skirt, and it is FABULOUS, so hush.
I think she's looking over and saying, "Hmmm... what's good for the gander is good for the chic goose."
I know we're not supposed to talk smack about Cindy so I won't give my opinion on who's getting the better end of the wife-swap deal.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, though.
When the McCains/Palins are doing this, it reminds me of Wife Swap. When the Obamas/Bidens do it, it reminds me of Jungle Fever, which is WAY hotter.
Word verification: crack
Dig that classic A Frame hug Palin is giving Grampa. That, along with the "pat three times" dismissal is exactly how I hug ex lovers.
Why so much hugging anyway? Don;t these people like see each other every day? "oh, I missed you so much!" "No, I missed You so much!" Ewww, please.
The McCains are just hug happy.
Indeed. Look how Todd's hand on Cindy is in a much more...er..intimate position than John's on Sarah - plus there's a lot more white space between John and Sarah than Todd and Cindy.
Sarah's definately doing the "tummy-tuck maneuver" to keep the breasts from making contact with the person she's hugging. Cindy? Nope.
although - frankly, as a straight woman, Todd Palin strikes me as the classic Bad Date (asshole version) of nightmare.
What makes me think Cindy thinks the Palins are trash...whereas she knows her (soon to be ex, I hope) husband is trash. Get a life Cindy. There's still time.
Note that Todd's going in for the quickie kiss while Cindy's giving him the don't-even-think-about-it turn-away. Ouch. Meanwhile, Gramps and Failin' Barbie are gettin' into it. Eeewww!
"The McCains are just hug happy."
i dunno - is that just a hug?
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