Pony Pal™ Mr. Dork, Esq. supplied us with that wonderful, high-resolution scan of Sarah Palin's Newsweek cover yesterday, thus bringing to life a microbubble of controversy and fake indignation which lasted for minutes and minutes, but he's not done with the plucky Alaskan yet!
Now he wants to verb her. A noble goal! Go visit! Merchandise is available!
Princess, I had a Sarah Palin nightmare last night!!!
It's probably just as well that I can't remember what happened.
All I know is I woke up full of dread. (not unlike how I felt a few hours later when I looked at my IRA's quarterly statement)
It shouldn't be too hard to verbify her. After all, she's already been "borked".
Look, Sarah's new hairstyle!
Time for some hairdo monitoring!
After the Couric interview, I'm beginning to think that palin is cognate with impaled.
Came across this on youtube ... don't know if you mentioned it
Yes, last year.
Good idea. Verbs have a past tense.
"I got overly palinized during the '08 election season."
It's not in the Urban Dictionary yet, but isn't "to palinate" already a verb for wandering and bumbling along with meaningless incomplete sentences while trying to stumble back on to an inapposite script, . . . also? It's said to be pleasing to mouth-breathers when accented with country-folk scarlet-lipped cuteness. No?
Whenever my boss asks me a direct question, I just palin him and wink.
Hasn't she already used this herself? "Obama was Palin around with a known terrorist"
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