The most telling thing about the picture is the 100% whiteness of the crowd. 100%! But instead of just posting the photo, I decided to widen it out into a screenshot of the Yahoo page on which it is featured to show something else going on, something that is helping to ensure Palin's doom.
The thing is, and this story has been EVERYWHERE today, Palin and McCain have been bashing the media so doggone much lately, that they've pissed pretty much everybody off, and all that goodwill towards McCain, the goodwill we've all been complaining about for years, has totally and utterly evaporated. So now, rather than a cute story about a successful rally with her base, the photo is accompanied by a story about how absolutely everything she's saying at her rallies is a lie. And the story is from the Associated Press, the agency that was totally in the tank for McCain! Oops. Better luck next time!
God, how I hate white people sometimes. I guess that makes me self-loathing.
Love the "Sarah will you marry me?" sign. Family values!
For a moment I thought that I was at a rally of the "new KKK" - no white hoods, just white faces and red t-shirts.
It has a very Germany 1933 feel to it- no?
Doesn't Sarah know that you're not supposed to wear white after Labor Day?
I like the SS handler next to her, who makes sure none of the little people touch Frau Hitler.
@bluntforcetrauma: Perhaps, more families* = more values? Would explain the Yearning for Zion crowd.
*Where families are defined as men and women making babies, natch
anonymous: the white rule only applies to white shoes.
wait, what am i saying. white rule applies to all of us, godorwhoever help us.
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