Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Gurning 4 Dollars

President Bush pauses as he speaks about tonight's Senate vote on the financial rescue package, during his meeting with Commander for NATO International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, Gen. David D. McKiernan, in the Oval Office of the White House, Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2008 in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

That looks familiar! Where have we seen that face before? Oh yeah, right!


tangobaby said...

I cannot wait for the day that I do not have to see this asinine face again. It will be a day to celebrate. Just cannot wait.

Anonymous said...

From the that look you'd think he gave a shit he ruined the economy. Whatever happens, he will never be hurt personally. There are too many people out there who can afford to lose a billion or two and not notice in a real way. And they owe 'w' big time.

Anonymous said...

The voice is even worse than the face. I find myself actually yelling obscenities at the radio whenever he speaks.

Fran said...

Except for Georgie don't do no ho thang.

Georgie sad because his mama did not give him his pudd'n cup after nap time.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Finally after 8 years his eyes look alive.
Too little, too late.
Adios, MoFo.

dguzman said...

Oh, my legacy!

Matthew Hubbard said...

I luvs me some link humor! Good eye, Princess!

samael7 said...

Congratulations, George. The country's worse off than when you got it. You've squandared blood and treasure on your fool "ideology" and it hasn't done squat except make us poorer and disgraced and made your own party toxic.

I want to believe that his expression is the result of one of those moments of self-realization most of humanity will experience at one time or another, but it's probably just the Coronation Chicken not sitting well with him.