Monday, September 22, 2008

Quickie: If a Sarah Palin Speech Falls in the Forest and Nobody is Around to Hear It...

OK, so the NY Sun, that weird paper created especially for neocons, has this bizarre article saying, basically, that Sarah Palin was going to give this speech, but her appearance got cancelled, so here, read the speech she would have given. Got that? And all the comments are all, like, OMG, she is so good!

But, OK... so we can all assume that Palin didn't write the speech, right? So if somebody writes a speech for Sarah Palin and she ends up not delivering it, does she still get credit for its contents? Is it still a Sarah Palin speech? Is this all too meta?


Diane Griffin said...

You shouldn't ask me. Sarah Palin gets no credit except maybe for Wasilla's multimillion dollar debt, it's fourtee three meth labs, and this stabbing pain in my eye.

Diane Griffin said...

I actually do know how to spell "forty". It's just that I have this stabbing pain behind my left eye...

Anonymous said...

I got that ol' Milli Vanilli feeling as I read the speech . . .

dguzman said...

So that's why my eye hurts so much. That bitch!

Anonymous said...

Joe: "Let's try it again, Sarah. Noo-clee-ar."

Sarah: "Nukular."

Joe: "No, listen carefully. Noo-clee-ar."

Sarah: "Nukular."

Joe: (sighs) "I'm sorry. Can someone please call the rally folks? We'll have to cancel. The word appears twelve times in the speech, and I just don't think she's ready. Damn, why can't we find a thesaurus when we need one?!"

Glennis said...

You're right, princess, the comments at that site are crazier than Ms. Mooseburger.

They praised her delivery!

Lau said...

The really sad part? 42% of the American public will believe by the end of this week that Palin actually gave the speech.