Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, left, meets Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2008, in New York. (AP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams)
Aw, baby's first Matching Armchairs Photo-Op™! So cute! But, yeah, that was it, and reporters were allowed to witness all of 29 seconds of it. Informative! From the pool report at Hotline:
Karzai, wearing his traditional clothes but without his trademark karakul hat...
Excuse me? Karzai without his aborted lamb fetus chapeau? I don't think so! Look closer, pool reporter: what's that on the table? Pony Pals™, of course, already knew where to look.
UPDATE! More crucially important information:
Palin wore small, gold, dangly earrings in the shape of the state of Alaska. Her hair was tightly secured atop of her head and her shoes were black patent leather round toed heels.
Novelty earrings!
Also, I believe that Palin's total foreign policy experience still adds up to less than five minutes.
Question: are there some nommables on that table? Possibly dried-out croissants (I mean, "freedom crescents")? Maybe I'm noticing that because I need a snacky cake.
Poor hatless, silence-of-the-lambs man -- after all these years of Bush/Cheney and now ... he has to put up with this.
Those looks like "Danish" on the coffee table, under glass. Lift the cover and out pops a cartoon of Mohammed in a bomb hat.
Ha ha! Yay!
I'm going with Costco danishes, too. But she was there for less than a minute, so no time to eat!
I knew you'd catch this matching armchairs photo op, Princess!! There's another photo of her with ...er...some guy from South America. Different armchairs - I think they have a pair in every room.
the danish look like they're under a plastic cover - like they went to Gristede's to pick them up! Klassy!
She probably brought some baked goods from WalMart. Fecking idiot.
What do you think he's saying to her, with that oh-so-patient-teacher expression? "No, no, Pah-lin. There are no Afghan 'hounds' here. Stop asking."
She probably brought some baked goods from WalMart.
You might think so, but somehow, Sarah doesn't strike me as the kind of gal who'd think of doing something thoughtful for another person.
That hair is "tightly secured?" If they consider that "tight security" no wonder our borders are so porous.
I have read that even Karzai's chapeau is faux aborted lamb feti.
I could read lips; what he's really asking her is:
Are those boobies real or Dick, is this the real you?
Why shouldn't the person in charge of B-52s have a B-52 of her very own?
Sarah for President, because the Apocalypse is so gosh-darned S-L-O-W!
"Gold dangly earrings in the shape of Alaska????????" OMG. Well, at least she was wearing her new black patent pumps.
I really love that silken thingie he wears around his shoulders.
hell, how'd this happen?
Can just anybody who knows somebody who knows somebody get photo op with world leaders at the UN?
Different armchairs - I think they have a pair in every room.
It's a progressive matching arm chairs photo op party!
This is the last straw. No one who wears novelty earrings is going to represent me to the rest of the world. Doesn't this campaign have a fashion consultant?
Or just let her borrow some of Cindi's (less expensive) jewelry?
Wow- costume jewelry and mediocre footwear meet UN, UN meet costume jewelry and mediocre footwear.
Seems like all her taste is in her mouth.
Again, I say Sarah's hair looks like she's trying to bring back the beehive hairdo.
Unless she's singing about a Love Shack, I'm not interested in a woman who wears her hair in a beehive.
Women in beehive hairdos scare me -- even when they accentuate the look with special state-shapped jewelry.
Someone call Vivica and her Glam God squad: We have an emergency cleanup on aisle 11.
Karzai: What's thet on your shoes? They round and shiny, not like high and pointy like zee condaleezzarice?
Palin: They're patented leather.
Karzai: Who holds patent?
Palin: The good old U.S. of A!!
Karzai: And these earrings, what are they say?
Palin: They're shaped like Alaska, where I come from!!
Karzai: You come meet Afghan president and you wear zee novelty earrings?
Palin: Darn tootin'!!
Karzai: Oy vey.
We should be d she didn't mix-n-match - one earring shaped like Alaska and the other like a hockey stick.
Ya know, fun! It's kicky!
Kill. Me. Now.
Worst. Photo-op. EVAH!
Once again, the McCain camp proves itself amateurish at running something as simple as a photo-op. Where do you start?
- The chairs are not identical (the backs are pointy on one and round on the other)
- The perspective is so off it reminds me of an Escher picture. Is poor Karzai in front of, next to, or beside that table? Or all three?
-The flowers are off-center and look like they were on serious markdown from FTD.
-I see one flag -- AND IT AIN'T OLD GLORY!
-WTF? Danish?? Still in the plastic??????
That only begins to cover the sins, but I have to stop there. I need a moment on the fainting couch.
matty boy--I actually spit my drink on the keyboard when I read your " Palin for Prez--Apocalypse is too slow."
Her hair is high school all over again. Does she rat it & spray it with aqua net & smooth it down? White trash. I think I'll wear my hair to work like that tomorrow. A true political faxhion statement.
I see no tissues!
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